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Meeting a friend / Accusations

Chapter 2 – P4


The two sisters paused for a moment to admire the beautiful, finely embroidered and expensive fabrics and delicate laces. The saleswoman claimed they were from Tiberium, and thus of exquisite quality. Aerin’s eyes lingered on a piece of ivory-white velvet fabric. It would make a stunning dress.

Brylla was examining the jewelry the woman was showing with a bored expression when Idrimis appeared.

Idrimis Tanellye was an elf from Ledon (a city far to the west) who came from a family of skilled warriors. She lived in the palace and her father commanded the queen’s elite army, which her brother was also a part of. Idrimis usually gave fighting lessons to the children of wealthy families in nearby cities, such as Príbora. Over time, she also became a close friend to Aerin and Brylla.

“My favorite student is back?” Idrimis smiled.

Idrimis was slender and elegant, yet strong, with long black hair that cascaded over her shoulders. Her eyes were dark and almond-shaped, giving her a mysterious and exotic look. She had a delicate face and her hands were soft and smooth, without any scars or calluses. They did not look like the hands of a warrior. But she was one. She wore a leather tunic and pants, with a sword strapped to her waist and a dagger hidden in her boot. She moved with grace and confidence, ready for any challenge.

The three greeted each other warmly. Brylla and Aerin paid for their purchases and they all walked away, stopping in the shade of a large tree in the middle of the place.

“So, Maeglor finally allowed you to take lessons? Knives are no longer dangerous?” Idrimis asked in a teasing tone.

“He doesn’t know,” Aerin answered.

Idrimis raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Oh, that’s not good.”

Brylla crossed her arms. “I told her. Sneaking around is not the solution.”

“I’m determined to end this,” Aerin said, but not convincingly. Her voice trembled as she said, “I can’t do this anymore. I…” Aerin sighed, “I wish he would be different. That he would be the Maeglor who made me happy. But he’s not that person anymore.  The man I fell in love with doesn’t exist anymore. If he ever did. Sometimes I feel like it was all a mistake. But I’m also afraid.  Afraid of what he’ll do if I leave him…he’s dangerous.”

Brylla put a hand on Aerin’s shoulder. “I can go with you.”

“I’ll come along too if you need me.” Idrimis offered. “It’s better to end this before it gets worse.”

Aerin shook her head, looking at the two of them gratefully. “It’s not necessary. This is between him and me.”

Then a familiar voice echoed throughout the market.


Ebenn Amarallis, Maeglor’s father, stood on the podium, his voice booming for all to hear. He was tall and had long dark blond hair, that he usually wore partly tied back. His eyes were green and sharp, but they always seemed to hide something. He was always dressed with jewels and fine clothes, like the rich elf he was. Definitely not someone to be trusted.

His son was nowhere to be seen, but beside him was a woman who looked like she had been dragged through hell. Her clothes were torn and stained, her hair was matted and tangled, and her face was pale and gaunt. A palpable fear emanated from her, as if she anticipated the worst at any given moment.  What was going on?

“I tell you, gentlemen. Make no mistake.” He pointed ahead, beyond the city walls. “These fairies need to learn a lesson!”

That caught the attention of other people as well, and soon it was not just the select group of merchants, but a mixed crowd gathered in front of the podium. Many curious people wanted to hear what Ebenn had to say.

With a gentle nudge, he pushed the disheveled woman forward. “Look!” said Ebenn, pointing at her with a sneer. “That’s their work! Fairies invaded her village and burned everything down.”

Aerin frowned. “Huh? Is that true?” She asked, a little scared.

“This man loves being the center of attention!” Brylla commented with a disdainful grimace. “I don’t believe a word he says.”

“After all these years of peace?” Idrimis questioned, his skepticism evident. “Have the faeries decided to attack small villages? I don’t know… Something smells fishy.”

The woman, now identified as Cethia, wept as she spoke. “They burned everything! They slaughtered everyone, including my beloved husband and children!” She sobbed. “I wish I was dead with them!”

Ebenn hugged her, pretending to comfort her. “You will have your revenge.” Then he faced the audience and spoke aloud. “Those damned bastards must pay for their atrocities!”

“Yes!” A voice erupted from the crowd. Aerin spotted Aerwith, the mayor and leader of the merchants, making his way towards the podium. “We must punish the culprits for sure!” he declared, climbing the few wooden steps with confidence and stopping beside Ebenn. He cast a cold glance at the other elf and surveyed the crowd.  “But first we need to investigate. It was probably an isolated group.This could very well be the work of a rogue faction. If the Fairies are indeed responsible, it is likely the High Fairies, not the common fairies. Ordinary fairies would never dare such acts, but I remain skeptical that their High Lords or Kings, or whatever they call themselves, would jeopardize the hard-earned peace we have enjoyed for countless years. My friends, we must not rush to judgment. High Fae bear a striking resemblance to elves… We cannot dismiss any possibility.” Suspicion flickered in his dark eyes as he scrutinized Ebenn.

“It’s risky to wait idly.” Ebenn said.

Aerin watched carefully.

Ebenn walked past Aerwith, his gaze fixed upon the audience.  “Who’s to say that Pribora won’t be their next target? Who’s to say we are safe? That we won’t be mourning our dead tomorrow?” Ebenn spoke with the finesse of a seasoned politician, ignoring the merchant leader’s disapproving look.

A commotion rippled through the crowd, but silence fell upon them as Aerwith raised his hand. “The queen would not endorse such actions,” he told Ebenn under his breath.

Turning his attention back to the crowd, the mayor continued,  “It would be foolish to start a war. The high fae are powerful.  Their High Lords are masters of magic and skilled warriors. ” Aerwith shook his head vehemently, “No. Not a wise move.”

Aerin watched as Cethia approached Aerwith, her tears flowing freely. “They killed my family, my friends, they destroyed my home!  They must pay!”

The elf looked at her and replied: “And they shall. The culprits will face justice. However, we must proceed with caution.”

“Tsk!” Ebben clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Yes, they can be tough opponents and all, but we can still defeat them. We all have our weaknesses, and the fairies are no different,” he declared, a wicked smile curling upon his lips.  “We have a way to defeat them.”

Aerwith narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “What do you mean?”

Ebben motioned to a red-haired boy nearby who was holding something in his hands.

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