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Chapa 19 finished. =)

Chapter 20 (aka the penultimate chapter of this arc) I will start writing as soon as possible. ^^ I think it will be short.

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Mate Bond

It’s no longer a secret that Aerin and Rohan are Truemates. It’s something like Soulmates. Finding your mate is very rare. Rohan felt something the moment he saw her near the lake that night at Dovahshiral. However, he only suspects that she is his mate. He’s not sure of anything. It’s very subtle. Aerin, on the other hand, knows nothing about it. But it’s clear that she felt attracted to him from the very first moment.

But being someone’s mate doesn’t mean they have to fall in love. It just means they make an excellent match. Together they are stronger, the marriage will be better, their children will be stronger…

Aerin is already in love. Rohan is falling in love. (he is already in love)  Because of this connection, one feels when the other is near and also when one needs help (if there’s nothing blocking it). Both their powers get stronger when they’re together. (Bad news for Murtagh).

Rohan will only be sure when the bond snaps into place. (This just happened. XD Although only he knows what happened. Aerin didn’t understand anything.)

Since Aerin is half-faerie, she doesn’t feel this “pull” of the bond. And Rohan feels it in a very subtle way, precisely because she is half-faerie.  (Aerin is a pure high fae now)

The phases:

Suspecting : Initially, the male starts suspecting the existence of the bond.

Bond Snapping : The bond snaps into place, making the male aware of its presence. It’s like fitting puzzle pieces together—when proximity or circumstances align, the bond becomes fully recognized.

Acceptance: Once the bond is accepted, the male’s desire intensifies, leading to a strong connection.

When Aerin accepts, they will probably spend the whole day having sex. XD And from what I understand, it’s something that goes back to the fae ancestors where they did this to impregnate the female.

So, an update.

Chapter 19. The bond snapped into place. Aerin felt it, but didn’t understand. Rohan knows exactly what happened.

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OLAS Chapter 19: A new beginning – II

Impatience took over me as I tried to get up. But the moment my bare feet touched the cold marble floor, a dizzying disorientation washed over me as if I were a marionette being controlled by clumsy hands.

It was like I’d never walked before. Panic gripped at my heart. Why can’t I move properly? My legs wobbled beneath me, and I began to fall forward.

Selene was at my side in an instant, her ethereal glow almost blinding me. “Easy, Princess,” she murmured in her hypnotic voice, like a soothing lullaby. “You’ve just returned to the world of the living. It will take a few hours for you to readjust. It’s like being born again.”

Born again? The concept felt foreign and unsettling. I took a deep breath, trying to process her words. “Where is he?” I asked, my voice shaky.

Selene’s lips curled into a playful smile. “Who?” she asked innocently, tilting her head.

“Rohan,” I huffed in irritation. “Where is Rohan?”

Her laughter rang out, a sound both beautiful and sinister, like silver bells tolling in a graveyard. “You will see him soon,” she promised.

From the bathing area, I heard Umbra’s deep, resonant voice tinged with a mix of amusement and malice. “The High Lord spent all these months by your side, watching over your sleep.”

“Months?” The word escaped me in a gasp. I stumbled backward, my legs giving way beneath me like they were made of spaghetti. My arm reached out desperately and knocked over a beautifully crafted vase perched on a nearby table. It crashed to the ground with a deafening explosion, shattering into a million pieces. I flinched at the sound, my heart hammering in my chest. This couldn’t be happening… could it?

“Please, be more careful,” Selene muttered, a hint of annoyance in her melodic voice.

But I barely heard her, my mind reeling. “How long?” I demanded, my voice breaking. “How long have I been asleep?”

Selene’s dark eyes met mine, an unreadable expression on her ethereal face. “Nearly eight months,” she replied softly.

Eight months. The realization struck me like a blow. Eight months? I repeated in my mind, disbelief and confusion battling for dominance. How could so much time have passed?

My knees wobbled again, and I leaned against a column to steady myself. “Eight months,” I repeated aloud. My mind raced, thinking of all the moments lost, all the changes that might have occurred while I lay oblivious.

Before I could process further, Umbra appeared at the entrance to the bathroom. Wisps of darkness, like tendrils of smoke, emanated from her body, swirling and coiling around her like mischievous spirits. “Your bath is ready, Princess,” she announced, her voice echoing like the wind in a cavern.

I nodded, still feeling disoriented. The notion of having slept for months was a heavy weight on my mind. With shaky steps, I began to move towards the bathroom, my legs awkward and unsteady as if I were learning to walk again. Each step felt unfamiliar, my limbs betraying me. I stumbled into a chair, nearly toppling it over.

Selene was right behind me, her hands gently guiding and steadying me. “Careful,” she murmured.

How could something as basic as walking be so difficult?

I took a deep breath, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. But even that simple task felt monumental. My knee buckled, and I lurched forward, nearly crashing into a small wooden carved sideboard with delicate statuettes. Selene’s arm shot out, catching me just in time.

“Take it easy,” she said, her tone a mix of patience and amusement. “You don’t want to break anything else.”

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “I’m not used to this,” I whispered.

Selene’s touch was cool and reassuring on my arm. “It’s ok. Have a little patience. It’s like you’re learning to walk all over again.”

I nodded, the truth of her words sinking in. Each step was a struggle, my legs trembling as I made my way towards the bathing area. The scent of lavender grew stronger, mingling with the faint, earthy aroma of the garden beyond the balcony. It was calming, a small comfort in the midst of my confusion.

As we approached the bathroom, the gleaming edge of a grand bathtub came into view. The room was filled with a warm, inviting steam that wrapped around me like a comforting embrace. The marble tiles underfoot were cool and smooth, a strong contrast to the heat of the bath.

Umbra stood by the tub, her eyes watching me with an inscrutable expression. “Here we are,” she said, her voice softening slightly. “This will help you regain your strength.”

I hesitated at the edge of the tub, still grappling with the surreal reality of my situation. “Eight months,” I repeated, more to myself than to anyone else.

Selene’s hands were gentle as she helped me untie the laces of my nightgown, her movements efficient and practiced. The fabric, a blend of crisp cotton and delicate lace, caressed my skin with a cool, soothing touch.  With a deft motion, Selene loosened the delicate ribbon cinching my waist, its knot now loose in her white fingers. “Yes, Princess,” she confirmed, her voice carrying a hint of sympathy. “Almost eight months.”

The dress fell away, and I stepped into the tub. The warm water enveloped me, a cocoon of soothing heat that instantly relaxed my muscles. The scent of flowers—lavender and jasmine—floated up with the steam, filling my senses and calming my racing thoughts.

Selene and Umbra moved around me with practiced ease, their hands gentle but thorough as they began to clean my skin. The sensation was both comforting and surreal, their touch reminding me that I was indeed alive, not lost in some strange, eternal dream.

As the floral-scented water lapped around me, my thoughts drifted to Rohan. I remembered the fierce intensity in his eyes as he fought to save me, and a specific memory surfaced—him leaning over me, his voice a soft, urgent whisper. “I love you,” he’d said, or had I imagined it? The thought filled me with such happiness that it was almost painful. Could it have been real, or was it a desperate hallucination of a dying mind? My heart fluttered at the memory, hope mingling with doubt.

“Is Rohan here?” I asked, my voice tentative, almost afraid of the answer.

Umbra, her movements as fluid as the water, shook her head. “No, Princess. The High Lord has traveled with his brothers to the Everdawn Woods, seeking the counsel of the Lady of the Forest.”

I frowned in confusion. “Brothers? He told me his family was all gone.”

Selene, her hands gentle as she rinsed the soap from my hair, spoke softly. “Galebor and Ororfin are like brothers to him. They have been through much together.”

As Selene spoke, a vague memory surfaced. In those moments when I was slipping away, teetering on the edge of life and death, I recalled hearing other voices—deep and unfamiliar—filled with urgency and concern. Perhaps those had been Galebor and Ororfin.

The warmth of the bath, the gentle ministrations of Selene and Umbra, and the lingering thought of Rohan made me feel both comforted and restless. I longed to see him, to confirm with my own eyes that he was safe. The idea of him out there, seeking some mysterious counsel, filled me with a mix of worry and impatience.

Selene must have sensed my anxiety. “Stay calm,” she said, her voice a soothing whisper. “You’ll see him soon.”

I nodded, closing my eyes and letting the warmth seep into my bones, trying to hold onto that promise.

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OLAS Chapter 19: A new beginning – I

When I opened my eyes, a pleasant weight of drowsiness still enveloped me. For a moment, my mind was blank, a clean slate without worries or memories. The bed beneath me was absurdly comfortable, the sheets as soft as silk against my skin. I sank deeper into the pillows, inhaling deeply. The gentle scent of lavender floated around me, mixed with a faint salty aroma that seemed to come from far away. The sea… it must be nearby.

My gaze drifted around, still somewhat blurry but starting to adjust. The bedroom was bright and airy, decorated with impeccable taste. The walls and columns were made of moonstone, their subtle glow giving the room an ethereal quality. The floor was like a sheet of pure white ice, smooth and polished marble that reflected the light in the room. Delicate curtains floated gently in the breeze, revealing glimpses of a lush garden beyond. Sunlight filtered through their sheer fabric, casting playful patterns on the polished floor.

Tasteful adornments and elegant furnishings were arranged with precision and an effortless grace. A velvet green armchair stood near the window, beside a small table where a vase of fresh flowers rested. Floral-patterned rugs adorned the floor, adding warmth and color to the room. To my right, a vanity table with an intricately carved mirror held various bottles and brushes, each item meticulously placed.

As my gaze continued to roam, I noticed a balcony just beyond the curtains, its doors invitingly open to let in the fragrant air of the garden. On the opposite side of the room, a dark wood wardrobe stood tall and regal next to the large bed I was lying in, adorned with perfectly aligned quilts and pillows.

My eyes traveled further, and I saw another section of the room that led to what could only be described as a spacious bathing area. From my vantage point, I could see the edge of a grand bathtub, its surface gleaming in the ambient light.

My vision was surprisingly clear, sharper than it had ever been before. Every detail of the room stood out vividly, with colors more intense and vibrant than I had ever seen. What’s happening to me?

Then, like a crashing wave, the memories returned. Absinthya’s death, the sharp agony of the wound caused by Niamh, and Rohan… Rohan desperately trying to save me. I remembered him leaning over me, his stormy eyes filled with an intensity I had never seen before. And that bitter potion, the taste still lingered on my tongue, even if only in memory.

I am a pure High Fae now. The realization hit me with the force of a rising tide, filling every corner of my being.



My heavy eyelids fluttered, and I strained to focus on the faint sounds around me. The muffled murmurs of voices seemed to come from a great distance, like they were floating in from a faraway place just beyond the reach of my consciousness. Soft footsteps echoed through the room, and my heart raced as consciousness slowly returned.

“She is waking,” one voice whispered with a hint of concern, its melody woven from starlight, both beautiful and strangely unnerving.

“Quiet,” another voice hushed, a soft sibilant sound that sent a shiver down my spine. “The princess must rest and regain her strength.”

These voices were unlike anything I had heard before. Each word was a delicate chime, ringing with both beauty and danger. They resonated with a power beyond my comprehension, like ethereal whispers carried on moonbeams. These were not ordinary voices, but something ancient and mystical, belonging to a realm far greater than our own.

With a heavy sigh, I slowly opened my eyes again, still a bit drowsy, and found myself faced with two ethereal figures. One was entirely white. She seemed bathed in an ethereal glow, like moonlight on a clear night. Her dark hair fell in soft waves to her waist, contrasting intensely with her pale skin. Her eyes were deep and black, with no visible irises, like two pools of darkness.

The other female was dark as night, almost absorbing the light around her. Her long white hair was arranged in a cascade of silver strands, and her eyes were pearly white, with no visible pupils. An aura of power emanated from her, a sense of mystery that both intrigued and unnerved me.

“Who are you?” I asked, my voice hoarse and barely a whisper.

“I am Selene,” the one with dark hair spoke, her voice like the gentle chime of bells on a breeze. “And this is my sister Umbra,” she gestured towards the shadowed figure. “We are your handmaidens, here to serve and help you.”

“I-I’m Aerin…” I murmured, still feeling disoriented and confused. Where I am? 

The two handmaids exchanged a quick glance before releasing giggles, as if sharing a secret between them.

“Oh, we know who you are, princess,” Umbra said with a mysterious smile that did little to ease my growing unease.

This is ridiculous!

My fingers curled into the soft fabric of my nightgown. This wasn’t right. I deserved answers. I hated being treated like a clueless child, kept in the dark about my own whereabouts and situation. Why won’t they just tell me what’s going on? The thought burned in my mind. Frustration gnawed at me, a tight knot forming in my stomach. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself.  No, I won’t cry. Not here, not now. I had to stay strong.

Umbra’s dark figure seemed to ripple and distort as she took a step back. Her form stretched and elongated like smoke tendrils yearning to return to their source. The darkness around her pulsed, tendrils reaching out as if to claim her. “Your bath awaits, princess,” she said, her voice an echo from a forgotten realm. She turned, her form blurring at the edges as if merging with the shadows themselves. “It will help you regain your strength,” she said over her shoulder.

“Where am I?” I asked, my voice trembling. “What place is this?”

Selene glanced at me, a flicker of surprise crossing her face before a hint of pride settled in her pitch black eyes. “You are in Numérya, Princess,” she declared in a regal tone, pride evident in her words. “In the Moon Court.”

The words hit me like a sudden bolt of lightning, making me immediately sit up in bed. Moon Court?


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Dust and Light I

It was like walking through a suffocating, never-ending nightmare. Every step weighed heavy on my heart and soul, each beat of dread pounding louder in my chest. The oppressive darkness closed in around me, squeezing me tighter with each passing moment.

My escort, the stocky human guard, seemed to share my unease as he led me towards the throne room where my aunt, Queen Absinthya, awaited.

The sound of his heavy boots echoed off the damp stone walls, which carried the smell of mold and something more sinister – old blood, perhaps. The air was thick with a stifling humidity that clung to my skin like a clammy hand.

His gaze flicked to me, pity warring with fear in his deep brown eyes. Despite his attempts to mask it, I could see the unease in his face as he led me down the shadowy passageways. But I couldn’t blame him. He knew what fate awaited me in that throne room, a fate as certain as the musty smell of mildew clinging to these dungeon walls. I was resigned to my impending doom, even as fear gnawed at the edges of my resolve and threatened to consume me whole.

Breaking The Eternal is no easy feat. It’s painful, excruciating even. You might not even survive it. And even if you do, the energy drain could still claim your life.  The warning from the Goblin lingered in my mind, a grim echo of the dangerous task that lay ahead.

I couldn’t help but shiver at the thought. The prospect of facing such agony filled me with dread, threatening to fray the fragile threads of courage I clung to.

Yet, it wasn’t just the fear of physical pain that gripped me. It was the knowledge that I would never see my family, my friends again. It felt like abandoning a piece of my soul. Despite my attempts to summon courage from within, fear still gnawed at me relentlessly. Fear of death, fear of pain.

And then there were his words, still fresh in my mind, like daggers to my heart. Rohan’s harsh words cut deeper than any blade, leaving wounds that refused to heal. The memory of his scorn, his rejection, haunted me, a bitter reminder of the love that was never meant to be.

But even as I walked the dark corridors of the dungeon, my heart heavy with sorrow and my spirit weighed down by fear, a tiny spark flickered within me.  I have to be strong , I thought, clenching my fists. Not just for myself, but for everyone who believes in me. For in the end, it was not just my own fate that hung in the balance, but the fate of all those who depended on me.


I arrived next to the entrance of the grand throne hall. Along the way, the floor transitioned from worn, damp dark stone to a glossy sea of red marble, extending throughout the entirety of the palace. The human guard who had escorted me thus far handed me over to another and disappeared back into the labyrinthine corridors. The new guard who now aggressively gripped my arm was a towering figure, towering to an intimidating height. His imposing presence was only amplified by his muscular build, hidden beneath heavy, ominous armor that encased him from head to toe.

Gods, he looks like something out of a nightmare! 

His fingers dug into my skin, leaving angry red marks on my arm. I bit my lip to keep from flinching as he dragged me towards the massive entrance of the throne hall. My feet felt heavy and my heart raced as we got closer and closer to the imposing doors.

Each step he took was accompanied by a haunting creak of metal. Only a narrow slit in the helmet allowed me to catch a glimpse of the glowing red eyes peering out from inside. My blood run cold.

As we approached, the massive doors began to slowly swing open with a deep, echoing groan that seemed to resonate through my very bones.

 Stay strong, Aerin,  I silently urged myself, drawing upon the tattered shreds of courage that lingered within me.  No matter what happens, you must stay strong. 

The guard’s firm grip forced me forward, my body quivering with every step. Ahead lay the throne hall, a vision of opulence and extravagance that seemed to mock my lowly existence. The floor, a sea of crimson marble that appeared to bleed into eternity, stretched out before me. But it was the sinister details that truly chilled me to the bone: towering pillars adorned with grotesque carvings, tapestries depicting ancient battles, filled with shadowy figures and fierce dragons. This was not just elegance, but calculated malignance disguised as opulence.

High Fae lords and ladies flanked the lavish hall, allies of my aunt through bonds of greed and ambition. They watched me like spectators at a gruesome spectacle, their eyes tracing my every step. The males’ lascivious glances devoured my body, reminding me painfully of how exposed the scant fabric of my dress left me. The females whispered to one another, their laughter tinged with scorn and their looks filled with disdain.

I must not let them see my fear, I reminded myself as I forced my gaze forward, trying to block out their piercing eyes and mocking whispers.

At the far end of the hall, the throne loomed like a monstrous creature made of stone and dragon bones. It exuded an aura of power and authority that commanded respect and fear. The small, twisted bodies of horrifying fairies sat on every available surface – near the steps, behind the throne, even in the shadows. Their pointed teeth glinted in the dim light and their eyes blazed with undisguised hatred, sending a chill through my entire being. It was as if they were waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Swallowing hard, I tried to steel myself against the fear that clawed at my insides. My aunt, Queen Absinthya, sat comfortably on her throne, adorned in a daring crimson gown that hugged her form like a second skin, its low neckline and daring slits leaving little to the imagination. Her silver hair was elegantly arranged, cascading in waves around her shoulders. Her cruel red eyes gleamed with sadistic joy as she observed my approach, her twisted smile promising nothing but pain.

“Look at Eryone’s bastard,” a voice hissed. Whispers floated through the air, carrying words laced with venom. “Let her rot,” one sneered. “Let her suffer,” another hissed. “Eryone’s daughter deserves no less.” Mocking, hateful words swirled around me, stirring the cauldron of fear and loneliness inside. Another hiss of voice wished death upon me, their words echoing the sentiment of those who despised my mother, Eryone.

I lifted my chin, trying to project a facade of defiance, but inside, I was crumbling, overwhelmed by a loneliness like I had never known before.

Beside Absinthya, on a smaller but equally imposing throne, sat Rohan. He was as apathetic as a cruel god’s statue, his cold, silver eyes avoiding mine as if I were a ghost, invisible and insignificant. His aloofness stung more than the sharpest blade, making the hall feel even more isolating.

The torches illuminating the chamber cast grotesque shadows that danced on the walls, as if mocking my loneliness.

The High Lord was the embodiment of glacial indifference. His short, rebellious black hair framed a face marked by a deep line of concentration. His eyes, usually a deep blue-gray as profound as the sea, were now almost silver, as if frozen in a state of eternal apathy.

I watched him, searching his face for any hint of feeling, but found only an infinite void. It was as if he were in another world, a world where I didn’t exist. I felt a pang of emptiness, a bitter realization that I was utterly insignificant to him.

Off to the side, a stone table with bizarre symbols engraved on its surface and ropes laid across it looked completely out of place. It did not belong in the regal setting of the hall, it seemed to have been placed there solely for some dark purpose.

Stay strong, Aerin. For yourself, for your mother, I coached myself silently, drawing a deep, shaky breath as I moved ever closer to the destiny that awaited me in this foreboding place.

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So far, I’ve managed to rewrite up to chapter 4, which is the chapter where Gareth’s village is destroyed. For now I paused and as soon as possible I’ll start chapter 5. But I already posted on deviantart up to the first part of chapter 2. I’m telling you in case you want to reread it. But don’t feel obligated, I know it’s difficult to keep up with so much and at the same time find time for your own projects and RL. ^^

(I’m not sure if I would say, rewrite since I made some modifications and changed the POV, but the content is practically the same. ^^)

I hope that the texts do not have any grammar errors and that they are written smoothly. It’s hard to see these things when I no longer have a Beta. (no one has more time and those who accept take a long time to give me news, I don’t have patience. lol)

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Mottos =)

The Moon Court motto:

“Under the Night’s Watch, We Shine Like Stars”

(BR: ‘Sob a Vigília da Noite, Brilhamos como Estrelas”).


The Court of Ereglond motto:

“In the Heart of Nature, We Stand as Stewards”

(BR: “No Coração da Natureza, Nós Nos Mantemos como Guardiões”.)


Morodoim motto:

“In Darkness We Reign, In Shadows We Thrive “

(BR:”Na Escuridão Nós Reinamos, Nas Sombras Nós Prosperamos”).


Itria motto:

“In Unity and Valor, We Protect the Realm”


(BR: “Em Unidade e Valor, Nós Protegemos o Reino”.)


I thought about including all the courts, but I didn’t develop any of them, so it was difficult to think of anything. Maybe in the future. ^^

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Sorry for the long text. I intended to split it in two, but there wasn’t an ideal moment within the scene to do that. I know long texts can be boring. ^^’

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Lorian, I posted the text at the same time on DeviantArt. It’s not necessary to comment here if you already commented there. ^^’ Unless you want to, of course. But it’s not necessary. ❤️ ❤️🤗