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Chapa 19 finished. =)

Chapter 20 (aka the penultimate chapter of this arc) I will start writing as soon as possible. ^^ I think it will be short.

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OLAS Chapter 19: A new beginning – VI [FINAL]

Our bodies lay intertwined, naked and embraced, as our breathing slowly returned to normal. I felt Rohan’s strong chest rise and fall beneath my head, the sound of his heartbeat steadily calming me. Lazily, I began to trace the intricate tattoo that adorned his chest, following the contours with the tips of my fingers. Rohan leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

“That was epic,” I panted, still catching my breath from the intensity of our lovemaking. “I had no idea it could be like that.”

He smiled, that cocky smile I was beginning to know so well. “I have many talents,” he replied with a wink.

With a playful giggle, I playfully smacked his toned abs. “Idiot,” I teased, my insult full of adoration.

Propping myself up on my elbows, I gazed at him with a sparkle in my eyes. “What you did with your fingers…” I began, feeling a slight blush rise to my cheeks. “It was… amazing. Maeglor… he just possessed me. I thought that was all there was.”

Rohan’s face darkened with a deep anger at the mention of Maeglor. “I would have killed that bastard if I could,” he growled, the intensity in his eyes making my heart race. “If he ever touches a hair on your head again, I’ll kill him.”

I placed a finger gently over his lips, silencing his outburst. “It’s all right now,” I whispered with a gentle strength, trying to soothe him. Leaning in, I placed a feather-light kiss on his lips, the tension slowly melting away under my touch.

He caressed my face, his fingers tracing the curve of my cheek. His thumb paused at the corner of my mouth, lightly brushing over my lips, as he gazed at me with love and tenderness in his eyes.

“Did…did our magic create that beautiful illusion of the night sky?” I asked, my brow furrowed in curiosity.

“Yes,” he replied, but there was something in his eyes that made me realize he was hiding something.Before I could press him for answers, he silenced me with a tender kiss, gentle and delicate like snowflakes drifting from the sky.

“We need to rest and recharge,” he said with a playful grin. “Knowing Umbra and Selene, they’ll likely burst in here at dawn, and I’d rather not give them the pleasure of witnessing our private moments.”

I was too tired to insist, so I just snuggled closer to him, feeling his warmth and comfort. Rohan pulled the blanket over both of us, wrapping me in his strong arms protectively. The world seemed distant and irrelevant as I rested in his embrace, feeling finally safe and loved.

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OLAS Chapter 19: A new beginning – V

As our kiss deepened, I felt a sense of peace settle over me. Whatever challenges lay ahead, we would face them together. And in that moment, I knew that our love was strong enough to overcome any obstacle. In that kiss, I found my strength, my courage, my love. In that kiss, I found my home.

Rohan’s lips moved with a growing intensity, his hands tracing a path down my back, sending shivers through me. I clung to him, losing myself in the sensation of his mouth on mine. Every kiss, every touch was a promise of love, of passion, of unwavering commitment.

His hand slid up to cup my breast over my corset, his touch both gentle and insistent. The sensation sent a jolt of electricity through me, and I gasped against his lips, my body responding with a wave of desire. I moaned softly, arching into his touch, my breath quickening as I felt the heat pooling in my core.

“Rohan,” I breathed, his name escaped my lips as a desperate plea. My hips moved instinctively, pressing against the hard muscle of his thigh. The friction was maddening, a delicious torture that had me trembling with need.

He groaned, a raw sound that vibrated through his chest and into mine. “Fuck, Aerin,” he whispered hoarsely against my ear, his breath hot and heavy.

With a sudden, urgent motion, he lifted me into his arms. The world spun around me as he carried me inside, our movements swift and fueled by an insatiable desire. The room blurred, my focus solely on the man holding me, on the heat of his body against mine.

Once inside, he set me down carefully, but the moment my feet touched the floor, I wobbled and I almost fell. However, Rohan was quick to catch me, his arms wrapped tightly around my trembling form, steadying me with a firm but gentle grip.

I blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed. “Thank you,” I said softly, my cheeks warm. “I’m getting better at this walking thing, I promise.”

He chuckled. “Take your time,” he replied, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of amusement and affection. “There’s no rush. I’ll always be here to catch you.”

His words melted the last of my insecurities, and I smiled up at him, grateful for his patience, his strength, his unwavering support. We stood there for a moment, our breaths mingling in the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains, each of us lost in the promise of what was to come.

Rohan’s hand remained on my arm, steadying me, his thumb brushing lightly over my skin. It was a simple touch, but it spoke volumes, a silent promise that he would always be there for me.

He looked into my eyes, searching for any hint of hesitation. “Are you sure about this, Aerin?” he asked, his voice low and filled with concern.

I nodded, my hands moving behind me to untie the laces of my corset. “Yes, Rohan. I’m sure. I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.”

With a quick, practiced motion, I loosened the corset and let it fall to the floor. Rohan’s eyes darkened with desire as he watched me, his own hands moving to unbuckle the leather belt at his waist. The sound of the belt hitting the marble floor echoed through the room.

“Your mother…” he began, his voice trailing off, but the implication was clear.

“This is my life,” I said firmly, my fingers tugging at the sleeves of my dress. “My decisions.” I slid one side of the dress off my shoulder, then the other, until the fabric pooled around my feet, leaving me standing there in nothing but my panties.

The cool night air brushed against my bare skin, sending a shiver that ran down my back. The moonlight bathed me in its soft glow, highlighting the freckles scattered across my fair skin. Rohan’s gaze wandered over my body, lingering on my breasts with their hardened nipples from the chilly air. He studied every curve and mark, making me blush under his intense scrutiny.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, awe evident in his voice.

A shy smile played on my lips as I looked into his tender gaze. It made me feel vulnerable, yet loved at the same time. Maeglor had never looked at me like this, never made me feel like more than a means to an end. But with Rohan, everything was different. He saw me, truly saw me, and it made my heart race.

Rohan pulled his tunic over his head and tossed it aside, the fabric making a soft rustling sound. A swirling thorn tattoo decorated his chest, standing out against his sun-kissed skin. He sat on the edge of the bed, removing his boots one by one, each thud against the marble floor resonating in the quiet room. I watched him, mesmerized by the way his muscles moved, each movement graceful and powerful.

He stood up again, his hands moving to the waistband of his pants. The sound of the fabric sliding down his legs was almost hypnotic. As he kicked them aside, I couldn’t help but admire the perfection of his form, as if he had been sculpted by the gods themselves.

Rohan caught me staring and smirked, a teasing glint in his eyes. “Enjoying the view?” he asked, his tone playful and self-assured.

Heat spread across my cheeks, and I couldn’t hide the grin that tugged at my lips. “Maybe a little,” I admitted.

A low chuckle escaped him as he stood in front of me, dressed only in his boxers. The fabric stretched tightly over the well-defined muscles of his thighs, showcasing his perfectly sculpted body. It was a work of art, every line and contour perfect.

Rohan stepped closer to me, his calloused hands reaching up to undo the delicate braids adorning my hair. As he worked, he murmured softly, “You look even more enchanting like this.” His fingers were gentle as they released the last of the braids, my hair cascading around my shoulders in soft waves. He ran his hands through it, his touch sending shivers through me.

I lay back on the soft bed, my heart racing with anticipation. Rohan joined me, his body warm and solid next to mine. He leaned over, his lips capturing mine in a slow, lingering kiss. I opened my mouth to him, welcoming his tongue as it explored, deepening the kiss with a burning intensity. Each stroke of his tongue sent waves of heat through me, making me arch closer to him.

His lips trailed down my jawline, planting soft kisses along my neck and shoulder. I sighed, the sensation of his lips on my skin sending electric pulses through my body. His hands caressed my breasts, his thumbs brushing over my nipples before he took one into his mouth. He kissed one nipple, then the other, his tongue flicking over the sensitive peaks. When he took one into his mouth and sucked, I couldn’t hold back the gasp that escaped me, my back arching off the bed in response.

Rohan’s kisses continued down my body, a tantalizing trail of heat and desire. He paused at my stomach, his lips pressing against my skin, making my breath hitch. He moved lower, kissing my inner thigh with a teasing slowness that made me whimper. I shivered in anticipation, my body quivering with need.

He looked up at me, with a primal hunger that made my heart race. Rohan’s lips pressed against the most sensitive part of my body, his playful tongue teasing through the fabric of my panties, tracing a tantalizing line along the edges.

The sensation was so unexpected, so intense, that I let out a loud moan. My hips moved instinctively towards his mouth, craving more. Rohan smiled against me, his fingers hooking into the sides of my underwear and slowly sliding them down my legs.

The cool air against my exposed skin made me shiver, but it was quickly replaced by the heat of his mouth. He kissed me there, his tongue exploring and teasing, making me cry out his name. “Roh..han!”

I trembled under his touch, his fingertips exploring the sensitive flesh between my legs. When he plunged a finger inside me, I cried out in ecstasy. His movements were slow and deliberate, his eyes locked on mine, watching every reaction. My hips moved in rhythm with his caresses, my hands clutching the sheets as I moaned his name over and over again.


Rohan moved over me, his weight pressing me into the mattress. “What is it, darling?” he asked, his voice low and teasing.

I could feel the hard length of him through his underwear, pressing insistently against me. I moaned softly, my hands sliding down to the waistband of his boxers. “I want you,” I whispered, my voice trembling with need. “I want to feel you inside me… now.”

He chuckled softly. “As you wish, love.

Rohan groaned as I tugged at his boxers, helping him to remove them. He shifted, sliding out of his underwear and tossing them aside.

Rohan’s eyes burned with desire as he settled between my legs. I could feel the hard length of him pressing insistently against my core, and my breath hitched in anticipation. Slowly, I opened my legs wider to accommodate him, feeling the weight and heat of his body as he positioned himself.

He entered me with a deliberate slowness, each inch stretching and claiming me as his own. A gasp of pleasure escaped my lips, and I met his gaze. His expression was a portrait of raw desire, his brows furrowed in concentration, lips parted as he breathed heavily. His eyes, darkened with unbridled ecstasy, burned into mine, reflecting the intensity of the moment. As he pushed deeper inside, a primal growl escaped his throat, sending delicious shivers coursing through every nerve.

“Gods, Aerin,” he groaned, his voice rough with passion. His movements were slow at first, deliberate, allowing us both to savor every sensation. My hands roamed his back, feeling the ripple of his muscles beneath my fingertips. His hips moved with a steady rhythm, and I matched his pace, meeting each thrust with a roll of my own hips.

Our breaths mingled, the room filled with the sounds of our union—moans, gasps, the rhythmic slap of skin against skin. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer, deeper. My fingers tangled in his dark hair, and I felt the delicious friction building inside me, spiraling higher with each movement.

“Rohan…” I moaned his name, my voice trembling with raw need. He responded with a deep groan that reverberated through me, his pace quickening, each thrust more urgent and powerful. He kissed me again, his lips crashing against mine with a possessive hunger. Our mouths moved together with a feverish intensity, his tongue delving deeply, exploring, tangling with mine.

His lips trailed along my jawline, leaving a burning path down my neck, each kiss more heated and demanding than the last.When he nipped at the sensitive skin of my shoulder, I gasped, the sensation sending waves of pleasure straight to my core.

I arched into him, my body instinctively seeking more of his touch, lost in the overwhelming sensations. His hands roamed over my body, exploring every curve, and I responded with desperate eagerness, my fingers digging into his back, urging him on. Each movement, each touch, felt like a spark igniting the fire within me, consuming me entirely in our shared passion.

Then a sudden, deep pull in my chest, like a thread tightening between us. I gasped, my eyes flying open to see Rohan’s own filled with surprise. For a moment, I glowed softly, an ethereal light emanating from my skin, and the room around us transformed.

What in the world…?

Shadows gathered, dark and thick, forming the backdrop of a night sky, while tiny, shimmering lights—like stars—danced around us. It was as if we were floating in a celestial realm.

What’s happening? We did this?

Swirling shadows and starlight.

Rohan’s eyes were wide, his own surprise evident, but he didn’t stop. The night sky illusion faded, and I was left with the lingering wonder of what had just occurred. His hips drove into me with renewed vigor, and I could feel the climax building within me, the pressure becoming almost unbearable.

“Rohan… I…I’m close,” I whispered, my voice trembling. His response was to thrust harder, his own breath ragged. He kissed me with an intensity that left me breathless, his lips trailing down my neck again, his teeth grazing my skin, sending electric shocks of pleasure through me.

I arched my back, our bodies moving in perfect synchrony. His hand found mine, our fingers intertwining as he gazed into my eyes. “I love you,” he murmured.

“I love you too,” I managed to say, my voice breaking with pleasure. His movements became erratic, faster, and I felt myself teetering on the edge. As he thrust deeply, I cried out his name, my body convulsing in ecstasy as I reached my climax, a wave of euphoria crashing over me like a storm. My nails dug into his shoulder, my other hand tightly intertwined with his, our fingers locked together, anchoring us both in the intensity of the moment.

I felt him shudder above me, his own release following close behind. His face contorted with pleasure, his eyes squeezed shut. One hand gripped mine tightly, the other clutching the sheet beneath us. The fabric bunching with the force of his grip. His body tensed, his back arching like a drawn bow, and then he let go, his head falling forward as he exploded inside me. An intense, guttural groan ripped from his throat, reverberating through the room. I felt every inch of him pulsing inside me, his warmth spreading through my body with each release.

He collapsed on top of me, our skin was damp with sweat, our breaths coming in shallow gasps. My body quivered beneath his, spent and aching in all the best ways. We stayed tangled together, soaking up the warmth of our passion as it slowly faded.

I could still feel the remnants of that strange pull in my chest, and the memory of the magic that had surrounded us lingered in my mind. But for now, all that mattered was the male in my arms and the love we shared.

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Mate Bond

It’s no longer a secret that Aerin and Rohan are Truemates. It’s something like Soulmates. Finding your mate is very rare. Rohan felt something the moment he saw her near the lake that night at Dovahshiral. However, he only suspects that she is his mate. He’s not sure of anything. It’s very subtle. Aerin, on the other hand, knows nothing about it. But it’s clear that she felt attracted to him from the very first moment.

But being someone’s mate doesn’t mean they have to fall in love. It just means they make an excellent match. Together they are stronger, the marriage will be better, their children will be stronger…

Aerin is already in love. Rohan is falling in love. (he is already in love)  Because of this connection, one feels when the other is near and also when one needs help (if there’s nothing blocking it). Both their powers get stronger when they’re together. (Bad news for Murtagh).

Rohan will only be sure when the bond snaps into place. (This just happened. XD Although only he knows what happened. Aerin didn’t understand anything.)

Since Aerin is half-faerie, she doesn’t feel this “pull” of the bond. And Rohan feels it in a very subtle way, precisely because she is half-faerie.  (Aerin is a pure high fae now)

The phases:

Suspecting : Initially, the male starts suspecting the existence of the bond.

Bond Snapping : The bond snaps into place, making the male aware of its presence. It’s like fitting puzzle pieces together—when proximity or circumstances align, the bond becomes fully recognized.

Acceptance: Once the bond is accepted, the male’s desire intensifies, leading to a strong connection.

When Aerin accepts, they will probably spend the whole day having sex. XD And from what I understand, it’s something that goes back to the fae ancestors where they did this to impregnate the female.

So, an update.

Chapter 19. The bond snapped into place. Aerin felt it, but didn’t understand. Rohan knows exactly what happened.

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OLAS Chapter 19: A new beginning – IV

Rohan released me, his hands lingering on my arms for a heartbeat longer before he stepped back. I let go of his shirt, my fingers reluctant to lose the contact. His touch had grounded me, and now that he wasn’t holding me anymore, I felt a strange sense of loss.

I took a moment to really look at him. He wasn’t dressed in his usual elegant attire. Instead, he wore a dark gray tunic, fitted pants, and sturdy leather boots. His hair was slightly tousled, and his boots dusted with a fine layer of dirt with some dried mud as if he’d just returned from a long travel. He must have come straight from the Everdawn Woods.

“Welcome to the Moon Court,” Rohan said, his voice soft with a hint of pride. With a sweeping gesture, he extended his hand, pointing towards the sprawling garden that lay before us and the distant city lights that twinkled like scattered stars.

“It’s beautiful,” I replied, my voice filled with awe. The beauty of this place was undeniable.

His lips curved into a knowing smile. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

I felt a rush of excitement. What more could there be to see? The gardens, the city lights, the sky—it was all so breathtaking.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, his gaze searching my face for any signs of discomfort.

“Better,” I said, and it was true. The disorientation was fading. “But different. Everything feels more… vivid. My senses are sharper. Everything is clearer, louder.”

He nodded, understanding in his eyes. “You’ll get used to it. You’ll learn to control it.”

I took a deep breath and decided to test my newfound abilities. I focused on my hand, summoning a small orb of blue light. It hovered above my palm, flickering like a tiny star. It floated away. I willed it to transform, and it did, bursting into a beautiful cascade of stardust that shimmered in the moonlight.

Rohan’s eyes widened in surprise, clearly impressed. “That’s incredible,” he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. “But don’t overdo it. You haven’t fully regained your strength yet.”

I nodded, still marveling at what I’d done. The power felt exhilarating, but I knew he was right. “You’re right,” I agreed, letting the stardust dissipate into the night air.

His expression softened, a hint of pride in his eyes. “You’ll master it, Aerin. I have no doubt.”

We stood side by side, leaning against the cool marble balustrade. The night air was a gentle caress, and the scent of the garden filled the space between us. I couldn’t hold back my curiosity any longer.

“Did you find the answers you were looking for?” I asked, turning my gaze to him. “The aias told me about your journey.”

Rohan’s expression shifted, growing tense and dark. He took a deep breath before speaking, his voice edged with frustration. “I was gone for far too long, Aerin. A lot happened in my absence while i was prisoner of Absinthya . While I was trapped, my opponents had been circling like wolves, making their moves. If I didn’t give a damn about these problems before, I sure as hell do now. The situation can get really bad.”

I felt a pang of worry at his words. “What kind of opponents are you talking about? Are you in danger?”

His jaw tightened, and he looked out into the distance. “They are unscrupulous and dangerous, but my concern is for my people, my Court. I’ll do everything in my power to protect them, even if it means…” His voice trailed off, a flicker of something dark crossing his eyes.

Even if it means what, Rohan?

His determination and sense of duty were palpable. I could see the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him, and it made me admire him even more. He had the qualities of a true king, someone who put his people above himself.

I reached out and placed my hand over his, feeling the strength in his grip. “You don’t have to face this alone, Rohan,” I said softly, offering a small, supportive smile.

He turned his head slightly, a faint smile touching his lips. His hand shifted to hold mine, his thumb gently brushing over my knuckles. The touch sent a shiver through me, a reaction I couldn’t control.

“You know,” he said, his tone lightening with a hint of mischief, “if they ever get too annoying, I could just introduce them to Umbra. She has a way of making people… reconsider their choices.”

I let out a small laugh, unable to help myself. “Oh, I’m sure that would go over well,” I replied, giving him a playful push. The tension between us eased a bit, his attempt to make light of the situation working, at least for the moment.

The laughter faded, leaving a soft silence that settled over us. The cool night air brushed against my skin, carrying the faint scent of the sea. We stood there for a moment, gazing out at the vast expanse of the starry night sky, each lost in our own thoughts.

Rohan broke the silence, his voice low and thoughtful. “So, what do you plan to do now ?”

I hesitated, the longing for home tugging at my heart. “I miss my family in Príbora,” I admitted, speaking softly. “But …I feel like I have to go to Rívoen and talk to Eryone. I have questions that only she can answer.”

“Oh, but I know more about your precious mother than you think, my dear niece,” the memory of Absinthya’s words sending a chill down my spine. “Your mother may have fooled others with her sweetness, but she is a master manipulator just like me.”

Rohan’s expression changed, a flicker of hesitation crossing his features. “Eryone,” he repeated, his tone tinged with distrust. “Are you sure that’s wise?”

My free hand clenched into a fist at my side, and I took a deep breath through my nose to suppress the urge to scream. “Rohan, let’s not go down this path.”  I tried to reason with a firmness in my tone, hoping to convince him to stop before things escalated.

His jaw tightened, and he glanced away, his grip on my hand firm but conflicted. “Aerin, I don’t trust her. I’ve never trusted her. Eryone… she’s dangerous, manipulative. ”

Exasperation flared in my chest, torn between my mother and the man I loved. “She’s my mother, Rohan.” I reminded him, hoping he would understand. “I have to see her, to understand…”

“I know, I know.” Rohan sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t speak that way about your mother. But you have to understand, Eryone and I… we will always be enemies.”

His words left a heavy sadness in my chest, a suffocating weight that settled in my lungs. “Enemies,” I whispered, the word tasting bitter on my tongue. It wasn’t just a disagreement, a difference in opinion. It was an abyss that stretched between us. I squeezed his hand gently, feeling the warmth and strength there, but the uncertainty of the future loomed large between us. Could our love, if it even existed, truly survive this test?

“Stay at the Moon Court,” Rohan blurted out.

My heart stuttered at his words, eyes widening in shock as I took in the intensity of his gaze.

“Stay with me,” he pleaded hoarsely, a hint of desperation seeping through every word.

Stay with him? It’s everything I’ve ever wanted… But what about my family? My friends? The threat of dragons? Maeglor and his father?

“I… I’d really love to,” I began, my voice wavering with uncertainty, “but there are still things I need to take care of. My family, my friends, the dragons… I want to help however I can.”

“The dragons? They are bloody hellfire incarnate!” he spat out, his eyes filled with fear.

But I was determined to go. “I will be fine,” I insisted, my tone confident and resolute. “I can’t stay locked away, Rohan. I have responsibilities too.”

Rohan’s expression darkened with frustration, his grip on my hand tightening almost imperceptibly. “Aerin, dammit, you just don’t get it. Eshelean is a dangerous place, especially for someone like you. There are enemies lurking in the shadows, more powerful and deadly than Absinthya ever was.”

“I can handle myself,” I argued, pushing my chin up with defiance.

I saw the muscle in his jaw twitch, his eyes blazing once again. “That’s not the point,” he growled through clenched teeth.”I won’t be able to keep you safe if you’re halfway across the world.”

“I won’t be alone. Eryone will be there with me.”

Rohan’s eyes narrowed, a hint of sarcasm creeping into his voice. “Oh, that’s supposed to put my mind at ease, is it?” he said, his frustration palpable. “Aerin, you’re being reckless. You’re acting like a child, running headlong into danger without a second thought.”

His words stung, but I refused to back down. “And you’re acting like an overprotective, thousand-year-old grumpy old man,” I shot back, pulling my hand free from his grip, feeling my own frustration building up.  How dare he treat me like a child?

Rohan’s laughter was low and humorless, a sound that grated on my nerves. “A child of ten has more sense than you,” he said, his words sharp and biting. My cheeks burned with a mix of humiliation and anger, my fists clenching at my sides. “And just for the record,” he added with a wry smile, “I’m four hundred years old, not a thousand.”

Anger flared up inside me, hot and fierce, but I refused to give in to his taunts. “I don’t need your protection, Rohan,” I spat, the words laced with a tremor I hated.

His laughter only fueled my fury. “Oh, really?” he drawled, every word dripping with arrogance. “But you’re so naive, Aerin, so easily manipulated. You’re a danger to yourself.”

Every fiber of my being screamed for release, for an outburst of defiance that would make him regret ever underestimating me. But I held back, taking a shaky breath and forcing myself to speak calmly. “I don’t need your help, Rohan. I’m not a child, and I’m not some damsel in distress needing a knight in shining armor.”

Rohan’s expression turned to stone, a fleeting look of disdain passing over his face before he twisted it into a smirk. “Is that so?” he scoffed, his voice dripping with skepticism. “Then how long do you think you would have lasted in Absynthia’s grasp without my protection? A week? A day?”

A tense silence settled between us, thick and suffocating. My eyes burned with tears, but I refused to let him see my weakness.

“You’re a fucking asshole,” I whispered, the words a ragged gasp escaping my lips.

For a moment, Rohan’s hard gaze softened, a glimpse of remorse fleeting across his face. “Aerin, I…” he started to say, but I cut him off with a sharp shake of my head.

“No, don’t,” I snapped, my voice strained with emotion. “I don’t want to hear it.”

He reached out to touch my cheek, but I jerked away.

“Fine,” he huffed, defeat lacing his words. “Go ahead and run to Rívoen, to your precious mother. Just don’t forget, we’ll be enemies from now on.”

The sting of his words lingered like a dark cloud, suffocating me with their cruel finality. Blinking back tears, I turned away. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me crumble.



My heart sank as I heard his voice call my name. But I couldn’t bring myself to care. I wanted nothing more than to shut him out and forget he ever existed. Before I could steal another step, a powerful hand clamped onto my arm. He spun me around, his grip tightening until my back slammed against the balcony wall. My breath hitched as I met his gaze, the blue-gray depths swirling with a storm of emotions that I couldn’t decipher. Desire, yes, that much was clear. But beneath it all, there was something else, something primal and possessive that seemed to emanate from every pore of his being. In that moment, I knew I was completely at his mercy.

“Don’t you dare walk away from me,” his voice was a deep, dangerous growl that vibrated through me. I couldn’t move as his body pressed against mine, trapping me between his strong form and the cold wall. His intense gaze bore into mine, daring me to disobey him.

I couldn’t stop staring into his stormy eyes, my heart pounding furiously in my chest as I braced myself for what was about to happen. And then, without a single word, his lips crashed against mine with a ferocity that stole my breath away. His kiss consumed me, igniting a fire within me that burned with passion and urgency. Every nerve in my body responded to his touch, surrendering completely to him in a moment of pure ecstasy.

Rohan’s hands found their way to the small of my back, pulling me closer until there was no space left between us. His strong thigh slid between mine, lifting the fabric of my long dress and pressing firmly against my center, igniting a primal need within me. My fingers threaded through his dark hair, pulling him closer as our tongues danced together in a heated embrace. The taste of him was intoxicating, and I couldn’t get enough.

He broke the kiss, trailing his lips down my neck, his breath hot against my skin. His teeth grazed the sensitive spot just below my ear, causing me to gasp and arch against him. He moved lower, his mouth leaving a trail of fire down to my collarbone, his hand sliding up my back to hold me steady.

My own hands roamed over his broad shoulders, feeling the strength in them as he held me tight. I let out a low moan as he kissed the hollow of my throat, my hips instinctively moving against his thigh, seeking more of the delicious friction. Rohan’s name slipped from my lips in a breathless whisper, and I felt his answering growl reverberate through his chest.

“Aerin,” he murmured against my skin, his voice rough with desire. He bit down gently on my shoulder, just hard enough to make me gasp, and then soothed the bite with his tongue, sending another wave of heat coursing through me.

He lifted his head, capturing my lips in another searing kiss, his tongue sweeping into my mouth with a possessive intensity that left me dizzy. I clung to him, my nails digging into his shoulders as I kissed him back with equal fervor.

When we finally broke apart, we were both breathing heavily, our foreheads resting together. I opened my eyes to find him gazing at me, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured, his breath hot against my lips. “I was an idiot, but… I can’t lose you.” His voice broke on the last word, and he cupped my cheek, his thumb brushing away the tears that had slipped free. “Not again.”

“You won’t,” I whispered, my voice trembling.

“I love you, Aerin,” he said, his voice raw and filled with a depth of feeling that took my breath away. It wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t a delusion. He truly loved me. The realization brought a fresh wave of tears, and I smiled through them, feeling a warmth spread through my chest.

Rohan’s fingers gently wiped away the new tears, his touch tender and reverent. He leaned in and kissed me again, this time slower, savoring the moment. His lips moved against mine with a sweet intensity, his tongue gliding over mine in a dance that spoke of promises and unspoken emotions.

We pulled back slightly, our breaths mingling as we looked into each other’s eyes. The world around us seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us in a bubble of shared warmth and love.

“I love you,” he whispered again, his eyes searching mine for reassurance.

“I love you too, Rohan,” I replied, my voice steady despite the tears. “With every fiber of my being, more than anything in this world.”

He smiled, a genuine, heart-stopping smile that made my heart soar. His lips met mine once more, gentle and tender, as if he never wanted to let go.

As our kiss deepened, I felt a sense of peace settle over me. Whatever challenges lay ahead, we would face them together. And in that moment, I knew that our love was strong enough to overcome any obstacle. In that kiss, I found my strength, my courage, my love. In that kiss, I found my home.

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OLAS Chapter 19: A new beginning – III

The cool night air wrapped around me as I stepped onto the balcony, a gentle breeze carrying the sweet scent of blooming flowers. Below me, the garden sprawled out in a vibrant tapestry of colors. Moonlight bathed the white stone statues, making them glow softly amidst the foliage. Fountains gurgled serenely, their water catching the light and sending ripples of silver across their surfaces.

I leaned on the marble balustrade, taking in the sight of the garden. Flowers of every hue painted the landscape—roses, lilies, and blossoms I couldn’t even name. The air was heavy with their fragrance, mingling with the crisp freshness of the night. The gentle rustling of leaves accompanied the distant chirping of crickets, creating a symphony of nature.

Beyond the garden, the city lights twinkled like a thousand stars, casting a warm, golden glow into the night. From afar, faint strains of music floated up, filling the night with joy. I could almost see the people dancing in the streets, their laughter and joy carried on the wind.

I lifted my gaze to the sky, my breath catching at the sight. Stars dotted the heavens, more numerous and brilliant than I’d ever seen. The moon hung full and luminous, casting a silvery light over everything, turning the night into a world of shadows and ethereal beauty.

In the distance, the jagged peaks of mountains loomed against the horizon, their dark silhouettes stark against the starlit sky. I followed the line of the mountains down to where they met the sea. Even from this distance, I could see the moon’s reflection shimmering on the water, a path of light stretching towards the horizon.

Surprisingly, I could catch the faint scent of salt on the breeze, the tang of the ocean reaching me even here. Everything seemed more vivid, more alive than I had ever experienced. The colors, the scents, the sounds—they all reached me with an intensity that was almost surreal. It was incredible how clearly I could see everything. The tiniest details stood out, from the ripples in the water to the individual petals on the flowers. The salty scent of the sea was so strong, it felt as though I could reach out and touch the waves.

I breathed deeply, letting the myriad scents and sounds of the night wash over me. The terrace, the garden, the distant city, the sky—they were all beautiful in a way I had never appreciated before. And for a moment, I allowed myself to simply exist in this perfect, serene night.

The day had been a blur of challenges and small victories. I spent hours relearning how to walk, my legs still unsteady but improving with each step. Along the way, I managed to knock over and break several pieces of furniture and priceless relics, much to Selene’s dismay. She rushed to salvage whatever she could, carefully picking up the broken remains of a delicate vase or a fallen statuette. I must have knocked over half a dozen vases, each crash echoing in my ears like a personal failure. But every misstep, every piece of shattered porcelain, was worth it. By the end of the day, I could stand without swaying. My legs were steadier, my steps more confident.

As the cool night air settled around me, my thoughts drifted to my friends. Gareth, Galadel and Elurin. Were they safe? Were they looking for me? I could almost hear Gareth’s laugh, see Galadel’s kind eyes, and feel Elurin’s reassuring presence beside me. I miss them so much!

I missed my family in Príbora as well. My mother and father, with their warm smiles and loving embraces. My sister Brylla, whose laughter and bickering filled our home with life. I had learned to love the beauty and majesty of Eshelean , but the simplicity and peace of my old life called to me. I missed the warmth of our home, the familiar faces of my neighbors, and the rhythm of daily life that had once seemed so mundane but now felt precious.

These thoughts led me to Maeglor and his father. Amid all the chaos and upheaval, I had nearly forgotten about Elurin’s elven messenger. Imedhen had sent him to warn Brylla about Maeglor and the dragons. Had the messenger reached her? Had the warning been delivered?

As the night deepened, I let out a sigh, the cool breeze ruffling my hair. The beauty of the terrace, the garden, and the distant sea was a small comfort, a reminder that despite everything, I was still here. I took another deep breath, savoring the mix of floral and salty sea air, and tried to hold onto the hope that my friends and family were safe.

The dress I wore was a masterpiece of fashion.The bodice, a soft shade of pale blue, shimmered under the soft light, adorned with an intricate floral texture that seemed to dance with each step I took. Sleeveless, it left my shoulders bare, and a circular opening rested just above my breasts. The skirt, in a very light gray, almost white, was pleated with vertical lines that added to its fluid appearance. My long hair was half-up, styled with side braids that framed my face with the grace of a fae princess, while the rest fell in loose waves down my back.

A breeze whispered through the night, teasing my dress, causing it to ripple softly against my legs. As I stood there, lost in thought, I suddenly felt a presence behind me. I knew who it was even before he spoke.

“You’re awake,” Rohan said, his tone a mix of relief and something deeper, something that sent a thrill through me.

I turned slowly, my heart racing. Seeing him after so long, after everything that had happened, was almost overwhelming. There he was, standing in the soft glow of the moonlight, looking just as strong and handsome as I remembered—the chiseled line of his jaw, the way his dark hair curled slightly around his forehead, and the piercing intensity of his blue-gray eyes. He was a vision more breathtaking than any painting I had ever seen. His presence seemed to fill the terrace, his scent—a blend of cedarwood and something uniquely his—wafting through the cool night air, wrapping around me like a comforting embrace.

I took a step toward him, but my legs, still unsteady, betrayed me. I stumbled, and before I could fall, Rohan was there, his arms wrapping around me, holding me close. The warmth of his body seeped into mine, and I felt the steady beat of his heart against my chest.

There was a charged silence between us, an electric tension that crackled in the air. The scent of him was stronger now, enveloping me completely, making my head spin. His touch was firm yet gentle, his eyes locked onto mine with an intensity that made my breath catch.

“Careful,” he murmured, his voice teasing. “Selene mentioned that you nearly destroyed the room today.”  His words were playful, but his gaze was serious, burning with something that made my pulse quicken.

A blush crept up my cheeks, both from embarrassment and the closeness of him. “I…I might have knocked over a few things,” I admitted, my hands clutching his sleeves for support. The fabric of his shirt was smooth and cool under my fingertips, contrasting with the heat radiating from his skin. “Relearning to walk isn’t easy.”

He smiled, a slow, knowing smile that made my heart flutter. “And you succeeded,” he replied. “Even if you did break a few things in the process.”

I couldn’t help but smile back, feeling a warmth spread through me. “I missed you,” I confessed, my voice trembling slightly.

Rohan’s expression softened, his hand lifting to gently brush a strand of hair from my face. His touch left a trail of warmth in its wake. “And I, you,” he said, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. “You have no idea how much.”

The closeness of him, the heat of his body against mine, was intoxicating. I felt a powerful pull toward him, a longing that I could no longer deny. As I looked into his eyes, I saw everything I had missed, everything I had dreamed of during those long months of sleep. And in that moment, nothing else mattered.


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OLAS Chapter 19: A new beginning – II

Impatience took over me as I tried to get up. But the moment my bare feet touched the cold marble floor, a dizzying disorientation washed over me as if I were a marionette being controlled by clumsy hands.

It was like I’d never walked before. Panic gripped at my heart. Why can’t I move properly? My legs wobbled beneath me, and I began to fall forward.

Selene was at my side in an instant, her ethereal glow almost blinding me. “Easy, Princess,” she murmured in her hypnotic voice, like a soothing lullaby. “You’ve just returned to the world of the living. It will take a few hours for you to readjust. It’s like being born again.”

Born again? The concept felt foreign and unsettling. I took a deep breath, trying to process her words. “Where is he?” I asked, my voice shaky.

Selene’s lips curled into a playful smile. “Who?” she asked innocently, tilting her head.

“Rohan,” I huffed in irritation. “Where is Rohan?”

Her laughter rang out, a sound both beautiful and sinister, like silver bells tolling in a graveyard. “You will see him soon,” she promised.

From the bathing area, I heard Umbra’s deep, resonant voice tinged with a mix of amusement and malice. “The High Lord spent all these months by your side, watching over your sleep.”

“Months?” The word escaped me in a gasp. I stumbled backward, my legs giving way beneath me like they were made of spaghetti. My arm reached out desperately and knocked over a beautifully crafted vase perched on a nearby table. It crashed to the ground with a deafening explosion, shattering into a million pieces. I flinched at the sound, my heart hammering in my chest. This couldn’t be happening… could it?

“Please, be more careful,” Selene muttered, a hint of annoyance in her melodic voice.

But I barely heard her, my mind reeling. “How long?” I demanded, my voice breaking. “How long have I been asleep?”

Selene’s dark eyes met mine, an unreadable expression on her ethereal face. “Nearly eight months,” she replied softly.

Eight months. The realization struck me like a blow. Eight months? I repeated in my mind, disbelief and confusion battling for dominance. How could so much time have passed?

My knees wobbled again, and I leaned against a column to steady myself. “Eight months,” I repeated aloud. My mind raced, thinking of all the moments lost, all the changes that might have occurred while I lay oblivious.

Before I could process further, Umbra appeared at the entrance to the bathroom. Wisps of darkness, like tendrils of smoke, emanated from her body, swirling and coiling around her like mischievous spirits. “Your bath is ready, Princess,” she announced, her voice echoing like the wind in a cavern.

I nodded, still feeling disoriented. The notion of having slept for months was a heavy weight on my mind. With shaky steps, I began to move towards the bathroom, my legs awkward and unsteady as if I were learning to walk again. Each step felt unfamiliar, my limbs betraying me. I stumbled into a chair, nearly toppling it over.

Selene was right behind me, her hands gently guiding and steadying me. “Careful,” she murmured.

How could something as basic as walking be so difficult?

I took a deep breath, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. But even that simple task felt monumental. My knee buckled, and I lurched forward, nearly crashing into a small wooden carved sideboard with delicate statuettes. Selene’s arm shot out, catching me just in time.

“Take it easy,” she said, her tone a mix of patience and amusement. “You don’t want to break anything else.”

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “I’m not used to this,” I whispered.

Selene’s touch was cool and reassuring on my arm. “It’s ok. Have a little patience. It’s like you’re learning to walk all over again.”

I nodded, the truth of her words sinking in. Each step was a struggle, my legs trembling as I made my way towards the bathing area. The scent of lavender grew stronger, mingling with the faint, earthy aroma of the garden beyond the balcony. It was calming, a small comfort in the midst of my confusion.

As we approached the bathroom, the gleaming edge of a grand bathtub came into view. The room was filled with a warm, inviting steam that wrapped around me like a comforting embrace. The marble tiles underfoot were cool and smooth, a strong contrast to the heat of the bath.

Umbra stood by the tub, her eyes watching me with an inscrutable expression. “Here we are,” she said, her voice softening slightly. “This will help you regain your strength.”

I hesitated at the edge of the tub, still grappling with the surreal reality of my situation. “Eight months,” I repeated, more to myself than to anyone else.

Selene’s hands were gentle as she helped me untie the laces of my nightgown, her movements efficient and practiced. The fabric, a blend of crisp cotton and delicate lace, caressed my skin with a cool, soothing touch.  With a deft motion, Selene loosened the delicate ribbon cinching my waist, its knot now loose in her white fingers. “Yes, Princess,” she confirmed, her voice carrying a hint of sympathy. “Almost eight months.”

The dress fell away, and I stepped into the tub. The warm water enveloped me, a cocoon of soothing heat that instantly relaxed my muscles. The scent of flowers—lavender and jasmine—floated up with the steam, filling my senses and calming my racing thoughts.

Selene and Umbra moved around me with practiced ease, their hands gentle but thorough as they began to clean my skin. The sensation was both comforting and surreal, their touch reminding me that I was indeed alive, not lost in some strange, eternal dream.

As the floral-scented water lapped around me, my thoughts drifted to Rohan. I remembered the fierce intensity in his eyes as he fought to save me, and a specific memory surfaced—him leaning over me, his voice a soft, urgent whisper. “I love you,” he’d said, or had I imagined it? The thought filled me with such happiness that it was almost painful. Could it have been real, or was it a desperate hallucination of a dying mind? My heart fluttered at the memory, hope mingling with doubt.

“Is Rohan here?” I asked, my voice tentative, almost afraid of the answer.

Umbra, her movements as fluid as the water, shook her head. “No, Princess. The High Lord has traveled with his brothers to the Everdawn Woods, seeking the counsel of the Lady of the Forest.”

I frowned in confusion. “Brothers? He told me his family was all gone.”

Selene, her hands gentle as she rinsed the soap from my hair, spoke softly. “Galebor and Ororfin are like brothers to him. They have been through much together.”

As Selene spoke, a vague memory surfaced. In those moments when I was slipping away, teetering on the edge of life and death, I recalled hearing other voices—deep and unfamiliar—filled with urgency and concern. Perhaps those had been Galebor and Ororfin.

The warmth of the bath, the gentle ministrations of Selene and Umbra, and the lingering thought of Rohan made me feel both comforted and restless. I longed to see him, to confirm with my own eyes that he was safe. The idea of him out there, seeking some mysterious counsel, filled me with a mix of worry and impatience.

Selene must have sensed my anxiety. “Stay calm,” she said, her voice a soothing whisper. “You’ll see him soon.”

I nodded, closing my eyes and letting the warmth seep into my bones, trying to hold onto that promise.

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OLAS Chapter 19: A new beginning – I

When I opened my eyes, a pleasant weight of drowsiness still enveloped me. For a moment, my mind was blank, a clean slate without worries or memories. The bed beneath me was absurdly comfortable, the sheets as soft as silk against my skin. I sank deeper into the pillows, inhaling deeply. The gentle scent of lavender floated around me, mixed with a faint salty aroma that seemed to come from far away. The sea… it must be nearby.

My gaze drifted around, still somewhat blurry but starting to adjust. The bedroom was bright and airy, decorated with impeccable taste. The walls and columns were made of moonstone, their subtle glow giving the room an ethereal quality. The floor was like a sheet of pure white ice, smooth and polished marble that reflected the light in the room. Delicate curtains floated gently in the breeze, revealing glimpses of a lush garden beyond. Sunlight filtered through their sheer fabric, casting playful patterns on the polished floor.

Tasteful adornments and elegant furnishings were arranged with precision and an effortless grace. A velvet green armchair stood near the window, beside a small table where a vase of fresh flowers rested. Floral-patterned rugs adorned the floor, adding warmth and color to the room. To my right, a vanity table with an intricately carved mirror held various bottles and brushes, each item meticulously placed.

As my gaze continued to roam, I noticed a balcony just beyond the curtains, its doors invitingly open to let in the fragrant air of the garden. On the opposite side of the room, a dark wood wardrobe stood tall and regal next to the large bed I was lying in, adorned with perfectly aligned quilts and pillows.

My eyes traveled further, and I saw another section of the room that led to what could only be described as a spacious bathing area. From my vantage point, I could see the edge of a grand bathtub, its surface gleaming in the ambient light.

My vision was surprisingly clear, sharper than it had ever been before. Every detail of the room stood out vividly, with colors more intense and vibrant than I had ever seen. What’s happening to me?

Then, like a crashing wave, the memories returned. Absinthya’s death, the sharp agony of the wound caused by Niamh, and Rohan… Rohan desperately trying to save me. I remembered him leaning over me, his stormy eyes filled with an intensity I had never seen before. And that bitter potion, the taste still lingered on my tongue, even if only in memory.

I am a pure High Fae now. The realization hit me with the force of a rising tide, filling every corner of my being.



My heavy eyelids fluttered, and I strained to focus on the faint sounds around me. The muffled murmurs of voices seemed to come from a great distance, like they were floating in from a faraway place just beyond the reach of my consciousness. Soft footsteps echoed through the room, and my heart raced as consciousness slowly returned.

“She is waking,” one voice whispered with a hint of concern, its melody woven from starlight, both beautiful and strangely unnerving.

“Quiet,” another voice hushed, a soft sibilant sound that sent a shiver down my spine. “The princess must rest and regain her strength.”

These voices were unlike anything I had heard before. Each word was a delicate chime, ringing with both beauty and danger. They resonated with a power beyond my comprehension, like ethereal whispers carried on moonbeams. These were not ordinary voices, but something ancient and mystical, belonging to a realm far greater than our own.

With a heavy sigh, I slowly opened my eyes again, still a bit drowsy, and found myself faced with two ethereal figures. One was entirely white. She seemed bathed in an ethereal glow, like moonlight on a clear night. Her dark hair fell in soft waves to her waist, contrasting intensely with her pale skin. Her eyes were deep and black, with no visible irises, like two pools of darkness.

The other female was dark as night, almost absorbing the light around her. Her long white hair was arranged in a cascade of silver strands, and her eyes were pearly white, with no visible pupils. An aura of power emanated from her, a sense of mystery that both intrigued and unnerved me.

“Who are you?” I asked, my voice hoarse and barely a whisper.

“I am Selene,” the one with dark hair spoke, her voice like the gentle chime of bells on a breeze. “And this is my sister Umbra,” she gestured towards the shadowed figure. “We are your handmaidens, here to serve and help you.”

“I-I’m Aerin…” I murmured, still feeling disoriented and confused. Where I am? 

The two handmaids exchanged a quick glance before releasing giggles, as if sharing a secret between them.

“Oh, we know who you are, princess,” Umbra said with a mysterious smile that did little to ease my growing unease.

This is ridiculous!

My fingers curled into the soft fabric of my nightgown. This wasn’t right. I deserved answers. I hated being treated like a clueless child, kept in the dark about my own whereabouts and situation. Why won’t they just tell me what’s going on? The thought burned in my mind. Frustration gnawed at me, a tight knot forming in my stomach. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself.  No, I won’t cry. Not here, not now. I had to stay strong.

Umbra’s dark figure seemed to ripple and distort as she took a step back. Her form stretched and elongated like smoke tendrils yearning to return to their source. The darkness around her pulsed, tendrils reaching out as if to claim her. “Your bath awaits, princess,” she said, her voice an echo from a forgotten realm. She turned, her form blurring at the edges as if merging with the shadows themselves. “It will help you regain your strength,” she said over her shoulder.

“Where am I?” I asked, my voice trembling. “What place is this?”

Selene glanced at me, a flicker of surprise crossing her face before a hint of pride settled in her pitch black eyes. “You are in Numérya, Princess,” she declared in a regal tone, pride evident in her words. “In the Moon Court.”

The words hit me like a sudden bolt of lightning, making me immediately sit up in bed. Moon Court?


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Dust and Light VIII – FINAL

A sensation of weightlessness enveloped me, as if I were drifting between the inky blackness of unconsciousness and the faintest glimmer of awareness. The soothing scent of lavender, like a long-forgotten memory from a peaceful dream, gently tickled my nose. Beneath me, the bed was more than just plush; it was like sinking into a fluffy cloud, a contrast to the cold, hard stone floor that still haunted my thoughts. Despite the comforting surroundings, sharp pains still gnawed at my weary body.

I struggled to open my eyes, the effort feeling monumental. Colors and shapes swirled before me, but I could hear voices in the distance. One voice stood out – Rohan’s urgent tone.

His words were dripping with desperation. “I’m losing her.”

Strong yet gentle hands lifted my head, causing a sharp groan of pain to escape my lips. I was too weak to open my eyes fully, but familiar enough with Rohan’s touch to recognize it even in my weakened state.

The glass cup touched my parted lips, cool and smooth against my skin. But before I could even take a sip, a sharp and pungent smell hit me like a punch to the senses. It was a terrible combination of burnt herbs and something sour, causing my stomach to churn and making me recoil in disgust. It overwhelmed the faint scent of lavender, that had been a fragile comfort. I shook my head weakly, the world tilting slightly as I did so. There was no way I could swallow whatever repulsive mixture was in that glass

“Why isn’t she healing?” A concerned feminine voice asked.

“She’s too pale…” Another male voice observed, his words registering somewhere in the recesses of my consciousness.

“The blade…” Rohan’s frustration seeped into his tone. “It was poisoned.”

“Rohan…Maybe it’s too late,” the feminine voice said, tinged with sorrow. “She’s lost too much blood, she’s too weak…she won’t even be able to swallow the liquid.”

“Besides, it might worsen her condition,” another male voice chimed in. “We’ve never witnessed anyone using this potion. It was basically a legend. Maybe it doesn’t even work.”

“We have to try,” Rohan insisted, his voice trembling. “She’s dying…I can’t…” His voice trailed off, choked with emotion.

Once again, the glass brushed against my lips. Ugh! No. I turned my head away.

“Aerin, please,” Rohan’s voice pleaded. “You have to drink.”

“No…” I murmured weakly.

“Come on, princess…” he begged, his voice heavy with anguish. “Drink.”

His words echoed in my mind, each one filled with his desperation. Even though every part of me screamed in protest, I couldn’t ignore the urgency in his tone.

With great reluctance, I opened my mouth a little. Rohan’s hand, trembling slightly, tilted the cup to my lips. I took a small sip, feeling the bitterness hit me like a punch in the gut.

“There, there,” he soothed, his voice rough with worry. “Just a bit more, love. You have to be strong.”

It made me gag, but Rohan’s worried gaze spurred me on, and I swallowed every drop, the bitter aftertaste clinging to my tongue.

“That’s it. Good girl,” he murmured anxiously, his hand tightening around mine.

“Who is she?” One of the male voices asked.

“It doesn’t matter! Just help me- ” Rohan’s words were interrupted by my piercing screams.

My body convulsed and contorted in an unending cycle of torment as I fought to stay conscious, but it felt like I was being torn apart from the inside out.

I felt Rohan’s hand grasp my shoulder, holding me in place, while another pair of male hands joined his, offering support.

“We need to hold her down! The convulsions are getting worse!”  said one of the other males.

“What’s happening to her?” The female voice trembled with fear.

“I don’t know!” Rohan’s voice cracked with desperation, bordering on hysteria.

A scream ripped from my lips, so sharp and so full of torment that it felt like it could shatter glass. It tore from me in a single, agonizing burst, leaving my throat raw and my chest burning. Another scream echoing through the room like a banshee’s wail. A sound so raw and primal it tore a gasp from Rohan’s throat. My body convulsed with the agony, muscles clenching and releasing in a desperate attempt to fight the pain.

“Oh gods, she’s in so much pain! Can’t we do something?” I heard the female say in panic.

“She’s dying! ” the other male stated, his voice tinged with urgency and concern.

A strangled sob escaped my throat as another spasm ripped through me. Tears welled in my eyes, blurring the panicked face of Rohan hovering above me.

The pain was sharper than any blade, each sensation a torment that left me gasping for breath as the frigid grip of death tightened its hold. It was too much—too intense.  I’m dying. This is it. 

Just as I felt myself teetering on the edge of oblivion, I heard Rohan’s voice, clearer than before, cutting through the haze of pain and darkness. ” Aerin…”

 I want to hold on. But it hurts so much… 

My vision quickly became even more blurred, the faces around me fading into darkness. My body felt like it was being ripped apart, piece by piece, every breath a struggle. The world around me started to slip away, the sounds becoming muffled, the pain a distant throb. Is this what death feels like?

The High Lord’s voice pierced the darkness, raw and desperate. “Aerin, please… Come back. I can’t lose you. I—” His voice broke, something I’d never heard before, the sound filled with an emotion that surprised me. “I love you.”

He loves me?  The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning, a flicker of warmth amidst the cold encroaching death. But it was too late. The strength to respond, to reach out to him, was slipping away.

The revelation was shocking, overwhelming, and filled me with a strange, bittersweet warmth. But the darkness was relentless, pulling me deeper. The world grew silent and dark, the last sensation being a gentle brush of Rohan’s hand against my cheek, a touch filled with love and despair. With one final, shuddering breath, I succumbed to the void.

 I love you too, Rohan,  I thought, hoping somehow he could hear me.  I’m sorry… 


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Dust and Light VII

I grabbed her hand, yanking her towards Sylvenna with desperate urgency. “We need to get out of here,” I urged, my voice strained with panic.

But Caelia froze,causing me to stumble. Her horrified gaze landed on the dried blood staining my hands and splattered across my dress. Sylvenna’s impatience was evident as she frantically motioned for us to hurry.

“It’s not my blood,” I blurted out, trying to ease Caelia’s worries before she could voice them. “It’s from my aunt’s crazed bitch. But don’t worry, I took care of her. We need to move now, the entire castle is about to come crashing down on us.”

Caelia’s face darkened at the mention of the queen’s death. She rudely yanked her hand away from mine, a sudden change that caught me off guard. But there was no time to dwell on it; we needed to leave. “We have to go,” I insisted.

However, Caelia stood fixed in place, her gaze piercing into my very soul. Confusion and fear flooded through me as I pleaded with her to move. “Come on, Caelia, we have to leave!”

Sylvenna called to me, urging me to hurry, “Princess, hurry!”

But then Caelia spoke, her tone chillingly calm. “I’m not going anywhere… and neither are you.”

Before I could react, a sharp pain pierced my abdomen. My eyes widened in disbelief as I looked up at Caelia, a dagger glistening in her hand. Sylvenna’s face contorted with horror and her mouth opened in a silent scream as she witnessed the scene before her.

I stumbled backwards, clutching at my stomach as I gazed at Caelia in shock. My vision spun as I fought to stay on my feet. My hand pressed against the wound, slick with warm blood that spilled out between my fingers.

The illusion of Caelia vanished, revealing Niamh. “This is for my mother,” she spat.

My body gave out, collapsing to the ground with a sickening thud. Blood welled from my wounds, staining the ground crimson as I gasped for air, each breath more labored than the last. Sylvenna’s panicked footsteps filled my ears as she rushed to my side. Her features were contorted with worry and fear for my life as she knelt beside me, her hands shaking as she tried to stop the bleeding.

Rohan. My vision swam, but I saw him – a streak of primal fury, a shadow blur launched at Niamh.  A roar ripped from his throat, a sound that shook the very earth. He was pure rage and power. His body  ablaze with the fury of a thousand storms. Shadowy tendrils, hungry and alive, erupted from his form, morphing into blades that sang a deadly music as they sliced through the air.

But Niamh, fueled by her mother’s inherited magic, proved to be a formidable adversary. Her eyes glowed with a furious red intensity, consumed by the rage and power of a hundred vengeful spirits. She was stronger now, I knew, her grief a blackened wellspring of raw power after her mother’s death.

The ground trembled beneath me as they clashed in a violent storm of sound and motion. Metal clashed against dark magic, their battle punctuated by guttural roars and thunderous crashes. I struggled to keep up with their movements, mere blurs in my fading vision.

Niamh was relentless, her anger only feeding the frenzy of her attacks. A savage blow sent Rohan stumbling backwards. A choked gasp escaped my lips, the sound lost in the noise of the fight.

Undeterred, Rohan surged forward, channeling every ounce of his power. His voice, a thunderous roar that vibrated through my very bones. “This ends now, Niamh!”

Through the swirling mists of pain, I witnessed Rohan close the distance. His grip wasn’t physically there, but on her very mind.  A snarl ripped from his throat. It seemed to arise from somewhere deeper, completely surpassing his physical form . His eyes, now pitch black, reflected not just anger, but a cold, calculating purpose. He was no longer fighting Niamh; he was burrowing into Niamh’s very soul with a fiery intensity that made my blood run cold.

With each passing moment, the light of defiance in her eyes dimmed. She thrashed against his hold, a marionette yanked by invisible strings. Niamh screamed in agony, the sound piercing through the air like a wounded animal’s cry. Her body convulsed, hands clawing at nothing as if trying to escape the torment. She screamed again , her eyes rolling back in her head until only the whites showed.

I could see the agony carved on her face, her features contorted in a grotesque mask of pain and despair. But Rohan showed no mercy, his grip only tightening as Niamh’s screams grew weaker and her struggles were reduced to nothing more than a whimpering, broken shell of her former self. Her mind, once a fortress of hate, became a desolate wasteland.  A tremor ran through Rohan as he released her. Niamh collapsed, blood streaming from her nose and ears. With a final, shuddering gasp, her eyes glazed over, and the last embers of her spirit flickered out.

“You’re done,” he rasped.

The room fell into a heavy silence as Niamh lay defeated and broken. And through the haze of my blurred vision, I saw Rohan slowly turn towards me. His face, streaked with sweat and dirt, held a glimmer of concern that warmed a small part of my heart. Despite everything, he had fought for me, risking it all to protect me.

But concern swiftly morphed into raw panic. Rohan launched himself across the room. Dust billowed in his wake as he covered the distance in a single, desperate lunge. He skidded to a halt and crouched beside my battered form, his usual steely gaze shattering into a torrent of fear and desperation.

His warm hand, trembling slightly, gently enveloped mine as he assessed the severity of my injuries. I could feel the life slipping away from me, each breath becoming shallower, each heartbeat a fading echo.

“Stay strong, Aerin,” I heard his voice in my mind, his words a desperate plea. “You can’t die!”

The world blurred around me, the once vibrant colors fading into a haze of swirling grays. I mustered up the last of my reserves, forcing the words to escape my lips, “I…thank you,” I managed to choke out. Yet, even as I spoke, I could feel the inevitable drawing near, an icy tendril creeping up my spine, stealing the warmth from my veins.

Rohan’s hand brushed against my clammy cheek with a tenderness I had never felt before. His touch was both gentle and urgent, as if trying to hold onto something slipping away. “Don’t give up.”  he implored, his voice trembling with emotion. “You’re going to be okay. I promise.”

The desperation in his words echoed in my heart, but I couldn’t find the strength to believe him. The darkness was closing in, the pain overwhelming. And as much as I wanted to hold on, I knew it was futile. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked into his intense gaze, silently expressing my love and gratitude for everything he had done.

Sylvenna’s words cut through the haze clouding my mind, her tone filled with concern. “She is dying before our eyes,” she declared. “I don’t think she’ll make it.”

I watched as Rohan extended his hand over my wound, a radiant golden light emanating from his palm, hovering just above the injury. But before hope could fully bloom, Sylvenna’s voice shattered it. “It’s futile,” she interjected, her tone heavy with resignation. “The blade Niamh used was poisoned. The toxin prevents her from healing.” Sylvenna explained. “I tried.”

I slammed my eyes shut, willing myself to block out the relentless shards of pain that tore through my body like a merciless storm. My muscles tensed as I fought against the overwhelming agony, desperately seeking refuge from its grasp.

“Aerin, please,” Rohan’s voice broke through the haze of pain. “Darling, open your eyes. Look at me.”

With great effort, I forced my heavy eyelids open, focusing on his face through the blur of tears.

Dark locks of hair fell in disarray across his sweat and dirt-coated skin. It was evident that the battle was over – bodies lay strewn around us, severed limbs and discarded weapons. Some of the former prisoners looked at me with pity, while others scrambled to escape from the crumbling castle.

“I-I’m so tired,” I murmured weakly, feeling the chill of death creeping into my bones.

“You have to hold on,” Rohan’s urgent plea echoed in my ears. “Don’t you dare give up on me,” His hand gripped mine so tightly it felt like he might crush my bones.

The High Lord turned to Sylvenna, silently begging her to do something. “I can’t lose her,” he whispered hoarsely. “There has to be something else we can do.”

With a heavy sigh, the healer reached for a tiny vial from her worn leather belt, offering it to me. “Drink this,” she said gently, helping me lift my head. I swallowed the cool liquid, but even as it slid down my throat, I knew it wouldn’t be enough to heal me.

“I’m sorry, High Lord,” Sylvenna murmured sorrowfully. “I’ve done all I can. She’s beyond my help now.”

Rohan’s jaw clenched so hard his teeth seemed on the verge of shattering. His eyes reflected an internal war, a fierce struggle between frustration and fear that could erupt at any second. He turned back to me, his gaze filled with a fierce determination that burned brighter than any fever. “You’re not giving up on me, Aerin,” he growled fiercely. “I won’t let you. You hear me?”

Through the haze of pain and exhaustion, I thought I saw a glimmer of something in his gray eyes, a hint of unshed tears threatening to spill over. But my vision was too blurred and hazy to be certain.

Is he really crying? Or is it just my imagination?

“Wait…” Sylvenna frantically rummaged through her old leather bag, the familiar scent of herbs filling the air, until she pulled out another small vial containing a clear liquid. It glimmered in the faint light, almost as if it held some sort of magic within its glass walls.

The ground trembled beneath us, shaking the walls and sending jagged cracks spider webbing across the stone floor. Clouds of dust billowed around us, making it hard to see or breathe. My heart raced and my throat tightened as I imagined the weight of the ceiling above crushing me.

A deep fissure opened up just inches from where Niamh’s body lay,  and I could see the fear in Rohan and Sylvenna’s eyes as they realized the severity of the situation.

Sylvenna’s words tumbled out in a desperate rush. “This,”  she said, holding up the small vial with trembling hands, “is the ‘Nectar of Life.’ More valuable than gold, crafted from the waters of a sacred spring, fiercely guarded by ancient spirits older than legends themselves! To obtain it, one must face their trials. Trials that test body and soul. That’s why it’s so rare, so precious. I have guarded it for years, hidden from Absinthya. But now…” Her voice trailed off hoarsely and she looked at me with hope in her eyes. “Now, it might be the only way to save the princess.”

The tears blurred my vision, making it hard to see Rohan’s hand as it snatched the vial from Sylvenna’s shaking grasp. The glass glinted in the dim light, refracting the colors of the room like a tiny prism. It was evident in his puzzled expression that he was unfamiliar with the potion.

Should that make me more nervous?

The healer looked at me. “Princess, you will not survive your injury. The blade was imbued with a powerful poison, and it took its toll.” Sylvenna said sadly. “But,” She continued, her voice taking on a glimmer of hope, “the Nectar can offer you a second chance, a new beginning. It will bring you back to life… as a pure fey,” she explained.

My heart skipped a beat at Sylvenna’s words. As a pure fey? My mind whirled with questions and doubts.

Would I still be me, or someone completely new?

“Pure fey?” Rohan repeated, his shock evident.

Sylvenna’s gaze lingered on me, her expression grave. “But I must warn you, it won’t be painless.”

“No…” My voice came out as a tremulous whisper, barely audible over the sound of my own ragged breathing. A shiver coursed through my entire being, just the thought of enduring more agony made me want to crumble. Every small movement felt like a thousand knives being plunged into my flesh, causing me to gasp and choke for air. A sickly warmth began to spread beneath me, a thick and sticky sensation that could only mean one thing – blood.

Rohan’s face paled as he noticed the growing stain. “Aerin, please, you must stay still,” he pleaded, his voice breaking with fear. My eyes widened in terror as another stab of pain jolted through me. Fear clung to me, thick as the blood that now pooled beneath my body.

I can’t do this. I can’t endure any more pain. Not again. The thought raced through my mind as I struggled to hold back tears.

Rohan’s fingers interlocked with mine, his piercing gaze burning through me. “You’re a fighter, always have been,” he growled fiercely, his intense steel-blue eyes searching mine for any sign of the fighter he knew.

But what if I’m not?  The doubt gnawed at me, even as I clung to his words.

I clenched my jaw, attempting to give a small nod to show that I understood. However, the movement sent sharp bolts of agony through my body, causing me to wince and grit my teeth in pain. Through the haze of torment, I caught Sylvenna watching me, her brow furrowed with concern.

I saw Rohan turn toward Sylvenna, “Are you certain this will work?” he asked, his voice a mixture of hope and fear.

Could this potion truly save me? 

Sylvenna hesitated before answering. “In all my long years, centuries of life, I’ve never had to use or witness the effects of this potion myself. I’ve only heard of one case, and even then, I cannot say if it was true or just a rumor.”

Rohan’s gaze shifted from Sylvenna to me, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and determination. “I know this is a difficult choice, princess,” he began, his voice gentle yet firm, “but it may be our only chance to save you. If we do nothing…” He trailed off, letting the unspoken words hang in the air.

Pain carved lines across Rohan’s face. Was that a flicker of fear dancing in his eyes? The fear of losing me? Yet, amidst the worry… there was also a spark of hope.

“The decision is yours,” he continued, his voice gaining strength. “But please, Aerin, don’t give up on yourself.”

Despite the excruciating pain that coursed through my body, I gathered what little strength I had left and managed a weak nod.

“I accept,” I whispered.

Relief flooded Rohan’s features, softening the harsh angles etched by worry. His hand, warm and trembling slightly, reached out and brushed his thumb across my knuckles in a gesture of tender reassurance. “Are you sure, Aerin?” he murmured, his voice husky with emotion.

I met his gaze. My voice, though weak, held a newfound determination. “I’m sure,” I replied. “I want to live, Rohan.”

I want to stay with you.

The ground trembled violently, sending more rocks tumbling from the ceiling. Rohan reacted swiftly, throwing himself over me to protect me from the falling debris. Sylvenna scrambled for cover under a nearby chair, her eyes wide with fear. The deafening sound of destruction filled our ears as dust engulfed us, blinding our senses.

The grand hall shook violently, its walls on the verge of collapse amid the chaos. Suddenly, a huge hole tore open, swallowing the Queen’s lifeless body. Terrified ex-prisoners ran in panic, their faces filled with dread as they fled to safety.

Sylvenna’s eyes were filled with tears as she whispered “Good luck” and turned to join the group of escaping prisoners, blending into the chaotic crowd. She gave one last glance back at me, her expression grateful, before disappearing into the confusion and panic.

As everything started to fade, Rohan scooped me gently into his muscular arms, holding me close to his broad chest. The warmth radiating from his powerful form provided a brief sense of comfort despite my disoriented state.

His voice scraped against my ear, hoarse with desperation. “Aerin, stay with me.”

Then, we were swallowed up by darkness, disappearing into the unknown. My mind slipped into oblivion as everything around me dissolved into a dizzying void.