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Pribora’s market – Strange things

Chapter 2 – Part 2

Market District, Príbora. One week after the celebration.


The sun was already blazing in the sky, casting golden rays over the horizon, when Aerin and Brylla made their way through the crisp morning air to the market. They had to do some shopping and meet Idrimis, who was waiting for Aerin to resume her fighting lessons. The city was alive with activity, as people opened their shops and carts, and the streets were filled with noise and color.

As they reached the marketplace, Brylla leaned closer to her sister and whispered, “So you haven’t seen him since that night?” She was referring to Gareth, of course.

Aerin felt a pang in her chest and shook her head. “No,” she said in a low voice, avoiding Brylla’s gaze.

She had told her everything that had happened that night, when Gareth had kissed her and then rejected her. It wasn’t out of malice, but rather because he believed it was for the best for both of them. She had been miserable ever since.

“It’s better this way,” Brylla said firmly. “For both of you.”

Aerin wanted to argue, to tell her that she still cared for him, that she missed him terribly. But she knew it was useless. Brylla never liked Gareth; she always thought he was a problem. It wasn’t because she thought he was bad, but rather because of the whole situation. And maybe she was right.

They were interrupted by a commotion in the crowd. A group of merchants had arrived in the area, wearing fine clothes and jewelry. They were among the richest and most powerful people in the city. Their father, Galadir, who was one of them, was out of town at the moment. He had traveled north on business. And their mother was with her parents in Befeld, a small town near Pribora.

The merchants seemed to be summoned by someone, for they were heading towards a wooden podium. Aerin scanned the group for the mayor, Aerwith, who was the leader of the merchants. But he was nowhere to be seen. That was odd.

She didn’t have time to think about it anymore, because Brylla pulled her towards a stall selling fabrics right in front of them.

“Look at this,” Brylla said, holding up a bolt of silk in a deep red color. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

Aerin nodded absently, and her eyes wandered away from the podium.

She didn’t notice the man who stepped up on the podium and raised his hand for silence.


Categories Blog story

More questions

Chapter 2 – Part 1


“I’ll be right back with the tools!” Aerin called over her shoulder to Brylla as she sprinted down the basement stairs.


She and her sister were planning a surprise for their mother, who would soon return from a short trip. They were going to transform the front garden of the house into a blooming paradise. Something their mother had always dreamed of doing, but never found the time. The servants could have done it, of course, but the sisters wanted to do it themselves.


The place was more like a dusty warehouse than a basement. Stacks and stacks of old documents (things from their father’s work), toys from their childhood, more sealed boxes, some ancient chests, an axe hanging on the wall… The garden tools had to be here somewhere…


The air was stale and had a faint musty smell. There was only one small window, which barely let in any light. And cobwebs everywhere.


“Aha!” She exclaimed as she spotted a bucket with various garden tools on an old table. Gloves, scissors, two small shovels, and two mini forks. A rake and a hoe leaned against the wall and on the floor, under the table, was a watering can. “That should do it.” She muttered as she bent down to grab the watering can and put it on the table.


Aerin paused for a moment and took a deep breath, her hands on her hips. Her eyes wandered around the place, without much interest, until something caught her attention.


A narrow door blocked by an old, tattered armchair. A faded painting hung on the door.


Aerin frowned, intrigued.


“Are you still alive down there?” Brylla’s impatient voice came from inside the house. The door to the basement was in the corner of the large kitchen.


“Almost done! I’m just looking for the tools!” Aerin lied as she walked towards the mysterious door.


“Do you want me to come and help you?” Brylla asked from the kitchen.


“No need!” Aerin said and pushed the armchair out of the way.


Then she noticed the door was locked with a heavy iron padlock. “Damn it!”

What was in there? Aerin’s curiosity grew by the second. “Fine…” she muttered before walking away. After rummaging through an old desk drawer, she came back with a skeleton key and a smug smile.


The elf girl used the key, and the door opened with a loud creak that echoed down a narrow staircase. The stairs led down into another room.


Aerin moved aside to pick up a lantern she had seen among the clutter, lit it and then went back down the stairs. When she reached the room, she found it was smaller than the other, but too stuffy and very warm. There were no windows. It was a little claustrophobic, to be honest. There were a few old candlesticks with candles that had melted long ago.


“What is this place?” She whispered.


When Aerin raised the lantern and lit the place better. She gasped in surprise to see some beautifully crafted Elven swords carefully mounted on the wall.


Who did they belong to? Her father? Her grandfather?

There were some stunning fresco paintings that covered the walls of the room. They seemed to tell some ancient story.


There was also an old wooden mannequin wearing dark silver armor that was scratched and worn out. Some parts were broken.


Next to it was a dark oak table and there was a chest on top of it. The chest had no lid. It probably broke at some point.


Curious, Aerin approached the table with her lantern. An old blanket was inside the chest. Once it should have been white, now it was yellowed with age. The blanket was made of cotton silk, delicately embroidered with silver threads at the ends. It was still soft and looked expensive. There were some old yellow-stained letters in the chest.


She picked one and opened it. There was nothing written on it, or so it seemed. But for a second, as she moved her hand casually, the lantern’s light hit it in a way that made something shimmer on the paper. Words appeared… But as quickly as they came, they vanished, and Aerin couldn’t repeat the movement. She tried with another letter and nothing happened.


“What is this? Some kind of fairy magic?” She raised an eyebrow, puzzled.


Then she saw a large framed painting on the wall that she hadn’t noticed yet. It was a canvas with a map of the faerie region, where the kingdoms were divided by colors and symbols. The frame was rich, finely crafted gold. She examined the map with great interest, for she had always been curious about that region. There were many rumors and legends, but she knew little about the place as it was an avoided and even forbidden topic in some Elven cities.


The Blackcrystal Forest, the boundary between the two regions. Beyond it lay Eshelean, the land of the Fae, where wonders and dangers lurked in every corner. She traced her finger over the map, following the names of places she had only heard in stories.The drawing of a high mountain called Black Ash mountain, Eregiond, Thadria, The forest of Ereglond, Thellondë, Londoriath, A lake called Aeluin. She moved her gaze to the north and saw the region of Egios, Eregserin, Aramoor, a mountain with a black hole (marked with a red X and a skull) in which it would be a region called Uden.

There were a few dark spots scattered around that might have been small towns, and higher up, a region painted all black: Alandrys. She saw the symbol of a crescent moon in the middle of the black misterious large region, representing the Moon Court. It was located right after a long range of high mountains, called The Spine.

There were also a few small islands and other faded continents reaching beyond the edges of the painting.


It was then that Aerin’s pendant blinked and glowed with a silver light. That had never happened before and the elf girl grabbed the pendant, startled. “What the hell?”, but it blinked one last time and stopped, returning to normal.

She took a step back, confused, and stepped on a loose plank. *creeak*


Aerin knelt on the floor, placing the lantern down to her side. “It’s loose.” She muttered to herself, removing two planks. It was indeed a false bottom.

Inside there was an empty glass bottle, a small statue of Gadya – the Lady of Fire, an old parchment with some faded runes written on it, and a silver box.

Aerin frowned and picked up the box. The following was engraved on the lid:


“Dagger made of frozen fire,

razor sharp and shiny black,

that is what you will require

for a faerie to never come back.”


She opened the box and inside, there was a beautiful dagger made of pure obsidian. Its dark blade had a faint red glow, as if a fire was burning inside it. With it was a slightly wrinkled note: “For protection.”


Aerin felt so confused. What was this all about? And why was all this hidden in a secret room in the basement of her family’s home?


She stood up, holding the dagger, admiring the details of the hilt. She lightly touched the blade, and it burned her finger. She gasped and dropped the dagger, which clattered on the floor. It felt like not just her finger, but her entire body had been pierced by hundreds of blades. It was a brief but agonizing sensation. She gripped the oak table for support, as her legs turned to jelly and she feared collapsing on the floor.


“Are you ok?”


Aerin heard Brylla’s voice behind her. The tone was a mixture of astonishment and concern.


“I’m fine.” Aerin lied, turning to face her sister.


“What place is this?” Brylla asked, looking around.


“I have no idea.” Aerin took a deep breath.


“Now I know why our parents never let us come to the basement when we were little.”


“Who does all this belong to?” Aerin asked, staring at the ancient armor and swords.


“Maybe our father? Or our grandfather? Our father was a soldier in his youth. He said he even spent some time in the faerie lands.”


Aerin said nothing. She had a thoughtful expression. Brylla continued:


“Our grandfather was known as a faerie friend. And they say that he fought many battles alongside the Fae. Perhaps all of this is his. Our father had a hard time dealing with his death. Maybe he kept all of this as a memory. I don’t know.”


Brylla bent down to pick up the obsidian dagger.


Aerin opened her mouth to warn her sister not to touch the blade, but nothing happened when Brylla held the dagger, admiring the details.


“What were you going to say?” Brylla asked.


“I got burned when I touched the blade. But nothing happened to you.” Aerin replied with surprise.


“You must have cut yourself by accident.” Brylla replied without giving much thought. “It’s a powerful weapon. It wouldn’t be strange to have a weird reaction if you’re hurt by one.”


Aerin wrung her hands nervously. She felt a sudden surge of fear and curiosity, as if the dagger had awakened something inside her. She blurted out, “I don’t know who my real mother is…” She looked at Brylla with a scared expression, wondering what this meant.


Brylla frowned as she placed the dagger into the silver box, where she assumed the weapon belonged. “Aerin, you never cared about that before. Why now?”


Aerin hesitated, as if she was afraid to speak aloud about her fear. “What if she is…I mean…Have you ever thought that she might be…a fae?”


“A fae?” Brylla was shocked by the absurdity of the idea. She couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s ridiculous! Our father said she was an elf he met on one of his trips to Vinegriand.”


“Yes, but…”


“You never had a problem with iron. Faeries hate iron. Many people here even use iron as protection.”


Aerin sighed, still worried.


Brylla touched her sister’s shoulder. “I think you spent a long time down here. In this stuffy place. It must have fried your brain in this heat.”


“Very funny. I’m dying of laughter.. see? Ha. Ha. Ha, ” Aerin said in a sarcastic tone.


Brylla chuckled. “Come on, let’s get back to work in the garden. Let’s close this room as it was and get some fresh air.”


And so they did. Aerin didn’t say anything else. She put the planks back in place and left with her sister.


“A fae? Really?”


“Oh, shut up!”

Categories Blog story

A furtive meeting

Chapter 1 – Final

It didn’t take Aerin long to reach the meeting place. It was a bit chilly outside the city walls, but she hadn’t brought her cloak with her. There, near Príbora, were the ruins of a small, ancient, forgotten castle, almost like a watchtower for which there was no longer any need. It dated from a time when tensions between the elves and the fairies were greater, for the ruin was close to the edge of the Blackcrystal Forest.

(The city of Príbora was close to the fairy territory.)

The worn stone structure was in round shape, just tall enough to tower above the canopy of forest trees that blocked the frontal view.

Inside the tower, a small fire was crackling. She could see because there were holes in the walls and a huge hole in the ceiling. Probably Gareth had lit it to warm the place up a bit.

The light mist that night made everything look like a painting from a fairy tale.

This place had become a sanctuary for the two friends. They could meet there, talk freely, without fear of anyone bothering them. Aerin had taught Gareth to read and write since they were teenagers, because there was no access to education in the human villages. Sometimes, however, he would defy the city guards and sneak into the city to meet her and the few other friends he had there.

And he was indeed in the old tower, waiting patiently for her. The firelight danced on Gareth’s blond hair, making it glow like gold. As soon as he saw her, he stood up and opened his arms. His green eyes were gentle, full of warmth. He was too handsome for a human. In her romantic mind, Gareth looked like he belonged in a fairy tale, not in this broken world.

Aerin ran to him and hugged him tightly.

They sat down by the fire.

“When do I get my reading lessons again?” asked Gareth with an amused smile.

“The city has been very crowded and busy this week because of the celebrations.” Aerin explained, “I even saw people coming from Tiberium, a city much further north. That would not be wise.”

Gareth nodded with a smile on his face. “I see you brought some goodies.” He pointed with his chin to the basket the girl had carried.

“Oh, yes!” she said as if she had just remembered. “I brought some pieces of cakes and pies. They are delicious!” Aerin smiled. “I thought you would like them.” She opened the basket and handed him a piece of strawberry vanilla cake.

“Hmm, of course!” He took the cake she offered him. “Thank you for thinking of me,” he said with a funny expression that made Aerin laugh.

The two talked for a while without realizing that they were no longer alone. Someone in the shadows was watching them from afar.

“What is that look?” Gareth asked her, a little confused.

Aerin blinked, not realizing she was looking at him silently for a long moment. She didn’t know what to say. “What look? I don’t have a look.”

“You were looking at me weirdly.”

“No, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Aerin said, looking away.

Gareth frowned and sat down beside her. “Is something bothering you, Aerin? You know you can count on me.”

“Gareth… I…” she looked at him and noticed that the corner of his lips was stained with vanilla cream. She smiled and ran a wiping finger, but when she turned to face him, he was watching her intently now. Her smile faded, and her heart ‌beat faster.

Aerin then brought her face closer and pressed her lips to his in a sweet, lingering kiss. Gareth placed his hand on her waist, pulling her closer to him. His lips parted to let her in further, and soon the two battled for dominance. Both wanted to feel every bit of the other’s mouth. Her fingers played with his hair as his grip tightened on her waist. Their kiss became a little rougher each minute, and suddenly Gareth realized his mistake and broke the kiss abruptly.

“Wait… We can’t… Sorry…” He said breathlessly.

“Why?” Aerin asked, almost pleadingly. “Gareth…”

“You know, Aerin.” He said, without being able to hide his sadness. “We already talked about this. The gods know how I wish things were different.” He gently touched the girl’s beautiful face. “But I’m human. I will grow old and die. While you… you remain beautiful and young and will live… forever!”

Aerin opened her mouth to protest when there was a noise. The two jumped up and Gareth drew his sword.

“Stay here,” he ordered and Aerin obeyed.

“Be careful.” She whispered.

Gareth came out to have a look outside. He returned a few moments later, guarding the sword. “I found nothing.”

Aerin sighed.

“How are your fighting lessons with Idrimis going?”

“I haven’t practiced for a few months… Maeglor doesn’t like it. He says it’s dangerous.” Aerin answered awkwardly.

Gareth swore and shook his head. “You should let go of this man.”

“I know…but it’s not that simple.”

“Orcs are attacking travelers and traders on the old road,” he commented worriedly. “You shouldn’t even be here alone. It’s not safe, and you should continue classes with Idrimis.”

Aerin nodded, but all she could think about was the kiss they’d shared. She was sad, disappointed… She just wanted to go home. “I better get going then.”

“I will accompany you.” He offered, but she declined.

“Gareth, you don’t have to.” Aerin managed a faint smile. “I appreciate it, but it’s unnecessary. The city is right there.” She pointed to the walls.

He hesitated for a moment. “All right.”

The two hugged. Gareth sighed as he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Be careful, will you?”

Aerin nodded and left, making her way back to the city, but this time passing closer to the edge of the forest.

She walked along a narrow, weathered path that led to the city gates. The path was already almost entirely overtaken by large patches of grass, which faded into patches of bare earth at the bases of some ‌‌trees.

Far to her left was the edge of the Blackcrystal Forest, which marked the boundary between the Elven region and the Fae region. Many feared getting too close to that place, but Aerin never felt that fear. In fact, she always had a fascination with the forest. A curiosity to know what it’s like on the other side of it. It was something she had felt since she was a child… as if the forest itself was a great magnet that drew her to it.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice someone approaching swiftly.

“It’s not safe to wander alone outside the city walls.” A male voice spoke behind her, causing her to stifle a startled scream.

Aerin spun around to face Maeglor.

“You scared me!” she complained with a hand on her chest. “Why are you here?” Was he following her? How long had he been there?

“I should ask you the same question, right? What are you doing here, Aerin?” He asked harshly, crossing his arms and eyeing her suspiciously.

Maeglor was a tall elf , with blond hair that was partly pulled back, leaving his face exposed. His green eyes  were clouded with anger and jealousy. He had a handsome face, but it was twisted into a scowl. He looked like a madman, not a lover. And he was not happy to see her with another man.

Aerin felt irritation replacing the fear inside her.”I don’t like you talking to me like that. I don’t owe you any explanations!”

She walked away from him, but Maeglor cursed and turned her back violently.

“Don’t turn your back on me while I’m talking!” he muttered menacingly. “You’re my girl! You-“

“But I don’t belong to you! You suffocate me, Maeglor!” She was almost screaming now. She was tired!

“You were with that damn human again!” Maeglor said through gritted teeth, barely containing his anger.

Aerin looked at her indignantly. “Were you spying on me? Did you follow me?”

“You were about to spread your legs for him!” he spat out the words in anger.

She gaped, shocked. “Enough!” And with that, she turned again to go and one more time, he pulled her back. But this time, Maeglor received a slap in the face. So hard that he took a step back.

Maeglor looked at her in amazement, as if he had never been slapped before. Running a hand over his sore face, he commented sourly: “Seeing someone so delicate, sometimes I forget how strong you are.”

Aerin shook her head. “I’m sick of all this! I’m done with you, Maeglor!”

Suddenly, his face became tense and worried. He frowned. “What do you mean?”

Aerin tried to walk away again, but this time he stepped in front of her, preventing her from continuing.

“Alright! I’m sorry!” He stretched out his hands in a sign of regret and apology. “I shouldn’t have followed you.”

Aerin sighed wearily. Her delicate shoulders were slumped in utter dismay. Brylla’s words still hammered in her mind. Gareth’s refusal still hurt her… she didn’t want to argue right now. She just wanted to go home.

“Let’s go home.” She heard herself say.

She didn’t protest when Maeglor removed his cloak and placed it around her shoulders. And in silence, the couple headed for the city.

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Chapter 1 – P1



A new – or rather ancient – threat looms ominously on the horizon, casting its shadow over the once vibrant and verdant forests of the Faerie realm. The tendrils of darkness slowly extend their wicked claws, threatening to engulf these magic lands in a malevolence that knows no bounds.

Unlike the gentle embrace of twilight, this darkness is a sinister force, brimming with malice and foreboding. Foul creatures, more repugnant than the vilest of orcs, have been sighted prowling through the heart of this realm, their presence a dire omen of the imminent doom.

Yet, amidst this advancing  threat, there are those who choose to turn a blind eye, feigning ignorance as if the world around them remains untouched by the spreading darkness. They carry on with their mundane lives, entangled in petty disputes and trivial concerns, oblivious to the imminent catastrophe that threatens to consume them all.

But in these treacherous times, when the very fabric of existence hangs in the balance, it is imperative that all nations cast aside their differences and unite as one. For history has taught us the dire consequences of division and complacency, as civilizations of old were swallowed whole by the eternal darkness that now threatens to resurface.

All nations must stand together or risk falling back into eternal darkness, as in the past. For only through unity can they hope to banish the looming darkness and restore the brightness that once graced these lands.




Victory Day celebration! Aerin sat on a stone bench near the statue of Caredir, god of Storms. Legend had it that this day was chosen to commemorate the triumph of the heroes over the demons in a colossal war that raged centuries ago. She didn’t know how much of that was true. It sounded too grand, too embellished for effect.

She took a bite of an apple she had brought with her while she listened to an old man spinning tales to a group of children sitting on a bench beside hers. Other children were darting around while their parents savored the evening.

To her, it was just a splendid epic to entertain kids. In the end, it didn’t matter. At least everyone had a few days to unwind and a fun night out.

A cool breeze caressed her face, and she closed her eyes, relishing the moment. The night was beautiful and starry, and everyone was together and happy. This was remarkable, because that was not always the case in Príbora. A group of bards played happy music in the center of the large old square. People clapped in sync with the music, others danced. Various aromas of delicious food filled the air. Even her sister Brylla seemed to be in a good mood. Aerin spotted her across the bustling square, nibbling on a pastry and chatting with her friends. She was radiant and graceful, her golden brown hair reflecting the light of the lanterns. It made no difference to her that Brylla was her half-sister, that they had different mothers but the same father. They had been inseparable since childhood, sharing secrets and dreams. They were sisters in every way that mattered.

The night was cheerful, and although Aerin would rather read in a quiet place, it was pleasant.

“Aerin!” Brylla’s voice cut through the festive noise as she waved her hand at her. Aerin smiled and made her way through the crowd of elves and dodging dancers.

Brylla greeted her with a hug and then proceeded to fuss over her appearance. She smoothed out a few stray strands from Aerin’s braid and then adjusted the flowers that adorned her sister’s golden brown hair. “That’s better.” She said with satisfaction, eyeing her sister up and down. “You look lovely in this dress.”

Aerin shrugged. She didn’t care much for the frilly gown that her mother had picked for her. She felt suffocated by the tight bodice and the layers of silk. She longed for her simple tunic and pants, the ones she wore when she sneaked out of the city to meet him. “I didn’t want to be here‌.” She tossed the rest of the apple she had been nibbling into the trash.

Brylla scanned the crowd and whispered, “Gareth’s not coming? ”

Aerin’s face brightened at the mention of his name. He was the only reason she had agreed to attend this feast. The only reason she endured the stares and whispers of the other elves, who looked down on her for befriending a human. “He’s waiting for me at the old ruin. I’ll meet him in a moment.”

“A secret rendezvous!” said a feminine voice behind them. In a tone a little too loud and high-pitched. “How romantic!” she said with a wide smile as she clasped her hands in front of her body.

“Sydriel! Shh! ” the two sisters spoke at the same time.

Sydriel was a red-haired elf, small by elven standards. Her face had freckles and a cheerful smile. Her eyes shone in a bright green, like fresh leaves, and she had flowers in her hair, just like Aerin. She and Brylla had been friends since childhood.

“Hic!!! Sorry!” Sydriel covered her mouth with her hand. “I think I drank a little too much,” she pointed to the cup in her other hand, which was filled with a potent elven wine.

Aerin chuckled. She loved Sydriel’s bubbly personality and her adventurous spirit. She was always up for a good time, and she never judged Aerin for her choices.

Brylla, however, wasn’t amused. “You think?” She snorted. She was more serious and reserved than her sister and her friend. She cared about the rules and traditions of their people, and she worried about Aerin’s future.

“But he’s a cutie!” Sydriel said, smiling and winking at Aerin.

“I know.” Aerin put a hand on her chest, feeling her heart flutter. She thought of Gareth’s warm green eyes, his blond hair, his strong arms, his gentle voice. She thought of how he made her laugh, how he listened to her dreams… She loved him more than anything in the world.

“But it’s complicated, not to mention forbidden!” Brylla reminded her sister.

A little irritated, Aerin looked at her. “Just because he’s human?”

Brylla raised her eyebrows.  “Just because he’s human? Just for that reason? Well, you should know that that already makes any relationship other than friendship impossible. Humans and elves don’t mix, Aerin. It’s too foolish and it never ends well.”

Sydriel clicked her tongue dejectedly. “She’s in love, Brylla. Who can blame her? It’s so unfair.Why can’t they be together? Why does it matter what race they are?” 

Annoyed, Brylla answered the obvious. “Well, maybe because he’s going to die one day?”

Aerin sighed sadly.

“Sydriel, don’t add fuel to the fire! ” Brylla chided her friend. “You’re not helping. You’re only making it harder for her. She needs to face reality, not live in a fantasy. Thank the gods, Gareth has more sense than my sister. He knows this can’t go on forever. He knows they have to end it, sooner or later.”

Aerin felt a pang of pain in her chest. She hated to admit it, but Brylla was right. Gareth did have more sense than her. He was always the one who talk about the obstacles they had to overcome, the sacrifices they had to make.He was always the one who said they should stop seeing each other, before it was too late.

But she couldn’t let him go. She couldn’t imagine a life without him. She loved him too much.

This topic always depressed her. “Nothing will ever happen between us, Brylla. Don’t worry about it.” She said in a hollow voice, trying to sound convincing.

Brylla gently took her sister’s arms. “It’s for your own good. He’s a good friend, but anything beyond that would be too dangerous. Humans aren’t welcome here or in any other elven city, you know that! What kind of life would you have then? Not to mention other obvious problems and differences. You’re not compatible, Aerin. You’re not meant to be.

Aerin jerked her arms away. “I don’t care about that. I’d take on anything for him,” she said in a defiant tone, but laced with sadness, for she knew her sister spoke the truth. It was impossible.

Brylla scowled and looked reproachfully at her sister. “Sometimes you act like a romantic fool, Aerin. It doesn’t work like that. You can’t just ignore the consequences of your actions. You can’t just follow your heart and hope for the best. You have to think of your future, your family, your people. You have to think of yourself.”

“I’m already sick of hearing your opinion on the subject, Brylla. I don’t want to listen to any more lectures!” Aerin snapped, feeling angry and hurt.

Sydriel took another sip from her cup. “I prefer Gareth to that Maeglor. The man gives me the creeps.”She said, changing the subject.

Aerin shuddered. Maeglor was her ex-lover, but he’d been trying to get her back for some time. In fact, sometimes she was afraid of him too. But it wasn’t always like that. Maeglor was very kind at first. He was handsome, charming, and wealthy. Her parents approved of him, and he showered her with gifts and compliments. He seemed like the perfect match for her.

He was charming, but now… he looked like a different person. He changed. He became jealous, possessive, and violent. He didn’t like her spending time with her friends, or talking to other men. He wanted her all to himself, and he didn’t take no for an answer. He said he loved her too much, and that he couldn’t bear to lose her.

Aerin tried to break up with him, but he wouldn’t let her go. He threatened to hurt her, or worse, Gareth. She didn’t know what to do. She felt trapped, and helpless.

“I don’t trust him,” Brylla said, echoing Sydriel’s sentiment. “He’s dangerous, Aerin. You need to stay away from him.”

“I know, I know. I’m trying. But he won’t leave me alone. He’s always watching me, following me. He’s obsessed with me, Brylla. He’s crazy.”

“ You can’t deal with this alone.”

“I know, Brylla. But if he finds out…. He’ll hurt me. He’ll hurt Gareth. He’ll hurt you. He’ll hurt everyone. He’s powerful. He has connections. He has influence. He has money. He can do anything he wants. And he wants me.”

Aerin felt tears sting her eyes. She hated that Maeglor still had power over her. She felt lost, not knowing what to do. She wished things hadn’t come to this point. Maybe she wasn’t trying hard enough to distance herself from him. Maybe she still held a glimmer of hope deep down that he would return to being the kind old Maeglor. At least their situation would be possible, unlike hers with Gareth.

“I have to go,” Aerin said, wiping her eyes. She needed to see Gareth. She needed to feel his arms around her. She needed to hear him say he loved her, that he’d never leave her, that he’d always be there for her. She needed him.

“Be careful!” Brylla said, grabbing her hand. “Please, Aerin. Be careful. I love you, sister. I only want what’s best for you.”

“I will be careful.”Aerin assured before walking away.

“Have fun!” Sydriel nodded with a smile. The slight nudge of an irritated Brylla almost made her spill the contents of the cup.

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🔸The Scamanders are sinister creatures that inhabit the shadows of the forest. They have long, lean bodies covered in dark scales. Their heads are long and pointed, with glowing red eyes that seem to glow in the dark. They have sharp claws and sharp teeth capable of cutting through anything.

They are sinister and cunning creatures known to attack their prey in packs of 4, 5 and up to twenty individuals. They are known to be particularly dangerous at night, when the darkness of the forest hides them from their enemies. However, as they attack, they make a screeching sound that can be heard for miles around. If you are in the forest and you hear the strange sounds of Scamanders, it is best to get out of there as soon as possible. They usually attack by surprise, leaping from behind trees or rocks to surprise their victims. They are skilled at fighting with their sharp claws and powerful jaws, and can be difficult to defeat.


🔸 Leafwhiskers are curious little creatures. They are harmless and as long as you don’t provoke them, they won’t bother you.