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Falling masks and a dead body

Chapter 2 – P7



Brylla didn’t like the idea of Aerin spending a few weeks with Maeglor, alone, far from everyone and everything. She tried to persuade her sister to stay, but deep down Aerin still had a glimmer of hope that Maeglor would return to being that man she had once fallen in love with. She was willing to make one last attempt to save their relationship.

She understood Brylla’s concern, but she had to try.

The mansion was in a secluded and peaceful place and, to Aerin’s surprise, the first few days were pleasant and even fun. Maeglor was in a good mood. The two spent a lot of time together, talking, bathing in waterfalls, strolling through the trees and making love in the tall grasses.


However, those moments didn’t last long to Aerin’s disappointment. After a few days, Maeglor was back to being the petty, arrogant, controlling guy he had always been. And it only got worse when his father arrived with Aerwith.

Ebenn had something to talk about with the mayor. Why there? She didn’t know. His father’s presence only worsened Maeglor’s mood, which returned to being strange and mysterious, as if hiding something.


Maybe Brylla was right, and accepting the invitation to spend a few romantic days in that place hadn’t been a good idea.

One day Aerin was wandering through the house library, while waiting for Maeglor for a romantic dinner, when she saw some strange handcuffs on top of a table. They were made ‌of a blue stone, with some runes engraved on them.

There were also black wooden boxes on two chairs, and another pile of them in the corner of the room. As she approached, she widened her eyes in surprise to see several obsidian daggers.

“You shouldn’t be here! I told you to wait for me in the living room.”

Aerin jumped in shock at the sound of Maeglor’s voice. He was coming towards her.

“You were taking your time and so I decided to check out the library. You know how much I like to read. Sorry, I didn’t mean to give the impression that I was nosing around.”

Maeglor roughly grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. She was completely taken aback by his sudden anger.

“Next time I tell you to do something, I expect you to obey. Am I clear?”

Aerin frowned. Who did he think he was, talking to her like that? She jerked his hand away.

“What gives you the right to talk to me like that and boss me around?”

Maeglor took a deep breath, trying to calm down. The pinched expression on his face softened slightly. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-“

“It’s always the same, isn’t it?” she asked, with a hint of sadness in her voice.

He didn’t seem to understand and opened his mouth to speak, but she cut him off with another question:

“What are all these obsidian daggers for?” Aerin gestured to the pile of boxes in the corner. “Does your father really think there’s going to be a war?”

“They’re for protection.”

“And what are these for?” she asked, pointing at the handcuffs.

Maeglor’s mouth twisted into a scimitar shape. “These are special handcuffs made specifically for capturing High Fae. They have ancient magic that can neutralize and suppress the powers of the High Lords.”

“Why so much hatred?” she asked, frowning.

“These arrogant bastards think they’re superior. They think they can do whatever they want and get away with it.”

“What are you talking about, Maeglor?”

“Did you see what happened to that woman’s village?”

“There’s no evidence! You heard what the mayor said.”

“My father knows what he’s talking about!”

“Your father can’t be trusted!” Aerin immediately regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth.

His lips became a hard line and his eyes narrowed as he stared at her. His voice was cold and dangerously low.

“Be careful, Aerin.”  Maeglor took a step towards her, and the girl backed away, bumping into the table.

“I should have listened to Brylla. That was a mistake,” Aerin said before walking away.

He moved in front of her, blocking her way to the door. His expression was as dark as a black hole. “What do you mean?”

“We need to end this relationship. Don’t you see? There’s no love left!” Aerin threw her arms up in frustration.

“What are you saying? I love you!” Maeglor took a step closer to her.

“But I don’t,” she said, letting him know she couldn’t continue. “And I tried, believe me. I can’t go on with this lie anymore.”

“A lie,” he repeated bitterly, but she could see the anger building inside him. That scared her. “It’s that fucking human bastard, isn’t it? You’re leaving me for him!” he said, filled with hatred and clenching his fists.

“No!” she hastened to say with a heavy heart.

“Liar!” He shouted, causing her to jump in fright. Maeglor took another step towards her, and she backed away. “I know you love him!”

“Gareth has nothing to do with this. It’s us! I thought coming here would fix our relationship, but I was wrong,” she said, disappointed.

Maeglor ran his hands through his hair. “Aerin…don’t do this.”

“I loved you so much, Maeglor. But you have changed…I…I don’t even know you anymore.”

“Look, I’m the same! I haven’t changed at all!” He said, pointing to himself. “And I love you!” He quickly grabbed her arms, “I need you!”

“Maeglor…” Aerin shook her head. “I can’t…”

“Please, can we talk more about this tomorrow, with clear heads? That’s all I’m asking, Aerin. Give me a chance.” Maeglor looked at her desperately.

Aerin took a deep breath before answering. “Alright,” she lied. She was fed up with everything and exhausted. She knew she had nothing more to say, as she had already given this relationship every chance she could. She finally agreed, only for Maeglor to leave her alone.

But when he left her in her quarters, Aerin heard a click at the latch. She immediately ran to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked.

Annoyed, she slammed the door. “Maeglor! LET ME OUT! What are you doing? OPEN THE DOOR!!”


Aerin waited for an hour before she dared to attempt an escape. It was a foolish idea, perhaps, but she couldn’t bear to remain a captive.

She had spent some time fiddling with the lock, using the skills she had learned from Idrimis, the elf girl who had befriended her. Finally, with a soft click, the door opened.

It was late into the night, and most of the servants had likely retired to their quarters. If she was lucky, she could slip out unnoticed. She didn’t think she was too far from Príbora, maybe a couple of hours by horse.

She closed the door quietly behind her and crept along the dimly lit corridor.

When she heard footsteps, Aerin quickly hid in the shadows behind a marble statue. A maid walked by, carrying a tray with a jug of wine and some empty glasses.

She held her breath until the maid was gone, and then emerged from her hiding spot and resumed her path. She halted when she heard loud voices coming from the office, followed by the sound of something shattering on the floor. The door was slightly ajar, and she felt a surge of curiosity.

Aerin peeked carefully through the gap in the door, her eyes widening as she saw the shards of glass scattered across the floor – a broken goblet. Maeglor was standing at one end of the long rectangular table, his face contorted with rage. On the other side, his father was staring at him with contempt. Someone was sitting in a chair, with Ebenn standing in front of them. Aerin couldn’t see who it was, but it was probably the mayor.

Maeglor and his father were arguing. The room didn’t look like an office, but more like a place for meetings.

There was a wave of tension in the air, as if a storm was about to erupt. What was going on? What had sparked that argument? She wanted to know more, wanted to hear what they were saying. Aerin moved a little closer to the door, trying not to make any noise.

“Why did you keep this information from me, father? I had the right to know!” Maeglor’s voice was laced with anger and betrayal.

“It wasn’t the right time yet!” Ebenn replied, his voice firm.

“I demand to know everything! Who’s in charge? What’s the plan?” Maeglor’s fists clenched at his sides.

“Demand?” His father mocked, a cruel smile playing on his lips. “In due time, you’ll know.”

That was when Ebenn stepped aside, revealing the figure that was behind him.

The mayor was sitting in the chair, his head thrown back and his throat slit by a blade. He was dead.

Aerin brought her hands to her mouth, her blue eyes wide with shock and horror at the sight of the bloody scene.

Aerin felt a chill run down her spine as she saw the blood dripping from the mayor’s neck. She backed away a few steps and collided with someone. She spun around and found herself face to face with one of the guards. He clamped his hand on her shoulder and sneered. “You shouldn’t be here, little mouse.”

Before she could utter a word, the guard shoved open the double doors and dragged her into the room.

“Forgive me, my lord. I caught her spying through the doors.”

“Aerin!” Maeglor’s face twisted in utter shock.

“You killed him!” That was all she could manage to say, still in shock. She stared at the mayor’s lifeless body.

Ebenn, standing beside Aerwith, grabbed the corpse and tossed it to the floor with disdain. “That’s how I deal with pebbles in my shoe,” he said.

Ebenn looked at his son. “She can’t leave here.”


Ebenn strode up to Aerin and grasped her chin roughly. “Snooping around, were you? You’ll stay in the basement to learn your lesson. Until I decide what to do with you.”

“My friends…” she tried to say, her voice shaking a little bit.

“Oh, they think you’re on a romantic getaway with my son.” Ebenn smirked and shared a look with Maeglor. “No one will come looking for you anytime soon.”

Aerin looked at Maeglor with a silent plea.

Maeglor just gazed at her. His astonishment and confusion were now replaced by a cold expression. “Maybe a few days here will change your mind, my love,” he said in a chillingly calm voice.

“Take her!” Ebenn ordered the guard.

“NO! LET ME GO!!” Aerin shrieked and thrashed wildly as despair flooded her.

Maeglor watched calmly as the guards dragged the girl down the hall while she fought in vain to free herself.


Ebenn would put someone else in Aerwith’s place, someone who would follow his orders without question. The Queen was not a big fan of his, so she couldn’t know that the substitute would be his candidate.

They would find an excuse for Aerwith’s death and Aerin’s disappearance.

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