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short rambling

I want to see if I can write a bit more here on the website about my universe. I’m a terrible and lazy world builder, but I think that by writing some details, it can help me (and my friends who read the novel) visualize certain things better. My problem is also time. lol I want to write, create illustrations, comment on my friends’ work, deal with the tedious and often stressful real life… I wish the day had… 36 or 48 hours. XD

I should start posting the first parts of the new chapter soon. Right now, Rohan is being an asshole. 😛

2 Comments on “short rambling”

  1. I relate so much, Real life is heck of a curse, I would joyfully had more hours to spend, each day :>
    Oh, an asshole :> Can’t wait!

    *continues his own worldbuilding* [ in pain and joy ]

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