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Captive V [ Final ] – kinda NSFW

Aerin fought to control her turbulent emotions. She needed to keep her composure. Caelia was her main concern, and she had to know if her friend was safe. She forced herself to swallow her pride and ask, her voice softening slightly. “What about Caelia? Is she ok? Where is she?”

Rohan’s face sobered, and he swallowed hard, a flicker of regret passing through his eyes. He met her gaze steadily, his voice calm and serious. “Your friend…She is alive.” Aerin searched his eyes for any sign of deception, while Rohan held her gaze with an intensity that made her heart skip a beat.

The girl felt a surge of relief and hope, mixed with doubt and suspicion. She wanted to believe him, but she also feared he was lying to her. She couldn’t shake the feeling that Rohan was holding back, that there were unspoken truths he wasn’t sharing.

“Half-truths…” she mumbled under her breath, the words escaping her lips as she continued to scrutinize his every word and gesture.”You are not telling me everything, are you?”

Rohan met her suspicion with a steady gaze, his voice soft but resolute. “Half-truths, whole truths – it’s not all that important. What matters is that your friend, Caelia, is alive and, for now, relatively safe. That’s all you need to know at this moment.”

Aerin wasn’t entirely convinced by Rohan’s rather vague explanation. Her eyes narrowed with suspicion as she pressed him for more information, and she reached out to grasp his arm. “Where is she, Rohan?” Her grip on his arm was firm but not forceful. “You haven’t hurt her, have you?” Her voice was laced with concern, and her questions revealed her fear for her friend’s safety, as well as her determination to get the full truth.

Rohan, with a mix of frustration and impatience, roughly pushed away her grip on his arms and let out a snort. He glared at her, seemingly debating on whether to reveal more. Running a hand through his short, silky black hair in annoyance, he finally snapped, his voice harsh. “She’s… in the main hall. I haven’t harmed her. I’m trying to keep her as comfortable as I can.” He spat out the last words, as if they tasted bitter in his mouth.

Aerin squinted at him, her eyes filled with suspicion. She didn’t trust his words, nor his motives. “Why should I believe you? You work for the damn queen, my evil aunt,” she spat out the words, her voice dripping with contempt. “You betrayed your own people, for what? A pat on the head from that monster? You make me sick, Rohan,” she added, her tone laced with disdain. “Or maybe she’s just really good in bed.”

Rohan flinched at her words, as if they had wounded him more than he cared to admit. He clenched his jaw, his eyes flashing with anger and pain. He snapped back at her, his voice cold and hard. “I’m not the enemy, Aerin. You don’t know anything about me or my reasons.”

Aerin scoffed with disdain, her defiance unwavering. “I don’t need to know your reasons. You enjoy making others suffer. You killed the draconian at her command! You are nothing but a cold-blooded killer. All I see is a traitor, a liar, and a coward.”

Rohan’s frustration finally boiled over, and he growled, his voice filled with menace. “Don’t you dare call me a coward. You have no idea what I’ve been through, what I’ve sacrificed.” His eyes flashed with anger, and he took a step toward her, as if he might lose control and lunge at her.

The cell was like a stone nightmare, where shadows danced to the rhythm of a dim, spectral light. The echo of their voices across the uneven rocks increased the feeling of claustrophobia, as if the outside world were nothing more than a distant dream.

Aerin, aware of the surrounding darkness, now faced a whirlwind of emotions in her cell. She looked at Rohan suspiciously, her eyes flashing like sharp blades in the dungeon’s gloom.

” I don’t care!” she spat the words out with contempt, her voice laden with indignation. ” You betrayed your own kind and killed in the name of a dark queen. You’re nothing but a tool for her, a puppet dancing to her whims.”

Rohan’s expression remained stern, his lips curving into a cruel and mocking sneer. He leaned closer, his eyes locked onto hers, and his voice dripped with arrogance and disdain. “Oh, Aerin, you’re adorable in your naivety. You think you have all the answers, but the truth is, you know nothing about me.” His words were like venom, injected with a lethal dose of arrogance and mystery.

She shook her head slowly, her gaze unwavering, as if attempting to dispel his words like unwanted cobwebs. “Your words mean nothing to me, Rohan,” she countered, her voice firm and resolute. “You can paint your actions with excuses, but in the end, you’re nothing but a traitor and a murderer. No amount of persuasion can change that brutal truth.” Aerin’s words carried the weight of her conviction, her unwavering belief in her judgment of him.

It was then that Rohan’s eyes flickered with a hint of cruelty, and he decided to sail in a new direction. “Maybe that’s why you seem so fond of your precious elf, ” he sneered. “Galadel, isn’t it? Your noble and honorable elf lover. But do you really think he can protect you from the darkness that surrounds us?”

Rohan’s mention of Galadel stirred a flicker of jealousy in him, though he hid it behind a mask of indifference. He observed Aerin’s reaction closely, his eyes sharp and calculating.

Aerin, however, was quick to reply, her tone filled with genuine affection and loyalty. “Galadel is a noble and honorable man,” she declared fervently. “He’s loyal and brave, always fighting for what he believes in. He’s been there for me when I needed him, and he’s never wavered. And he has character, unlike you. You, who revel in causing pain and suffering. You could learn a lot from him.”

Rohan’s gaze darkened, and a faint tremor of anger rippled beneath the surface of his composed demeanor. He leaned in closer, his voice a low, dangerous whisper. “I’m not sure I’d call a love-struck elf  ‘brave’ or ‘loyal.’ Seems more like a foolish infatuation.”

Aerin’s eyes blazed with a fierce determination to defend Galadel. “It’s more than that. Galadel has a heart of gold, and he’s shown me more kindness than you ever have.”

Rohan’s patience waned, and he couldn’t hide the trace of irritation in his voice. “Kindness won’t save you in this world, princess. You’re deluded if you think a mere elf can protect you from the horrors of this realm.”

Aerin’s gaze remained unwavering, her loyalty to Galadel unshaken. “I trust him. At least he’s not a traitor.”

Rohan’s voice carried an undercurrent of bitterness as he continued to belittle Galadel. His words were like venom, dripping with disdain and mockery. “Do you honestly believe he will come here to rescue you? That elf, the one you would do anything for?” His eyes narrowed with a mixture of jealousy and resentment, and his tone was laced with contempt as he shook his head slowly. “You’re truly pathetic, Aerin. You’re wasting your precious time and your feelings on a worthless creature. An elf, a mere creature who is inferior to both you and me.”

With every word that rolled off his tongue, Rohan encroached upon Aerin’s personal space, a predator closing in on his unsuspecting prey. His voice slithered like a venomous serpent, its words laced with a toxic blend of desire and resentment. “He doesn’t deserve you,” he whispered, the bitterness dripping from each syllable, “or the love you so freely offer.”

Aerin felt a wave of fury, her blood boiling in her veins. She glared at Rohan, her eyes blazing with fire. “How dare you. How dare you insult him. You don’t know anything about love, Rohan. You don’t know how it feels, how it heals, how it makes you alive. You don’t know Galadel. You don’t know how he makes me feel, how he makes me happy. You don’t know anything. You’re a cold and heartless monster, Rohan. A monster who can’t love, or be loved.”

Aerin’s fury seemed to kindle a different fire within Rohan. His patience snapped like a taut rope breaking free. He moved with astonishing speed and pinned Aerin against the cold, unforgiving stone wall of the cell. His fingers clamped around her wrists, forcing her hands above her head and holding them firmly against the rough surface, a stark contrast to the tenderness of his touch on her neck.

She gasped, feeling a jolt of fear and shock as he pressed his body against hers. She was acutely aware of the closeness of their bodies and the intensity of his gaze. She felt his strength, his heat, his heartbeat. She also felt a strange sensation in her chest, a warmth that spread through her veins, a pull that drew her to him. She tried to ignore it, to focus on her anger and hatred. She struggled to free herself from his grip, but he was too strong for her. She spat at him, her voice defiant and brave. “Let me go, Rohan. You have no right to touch me.”

The room crackled with tension as her chest rose and fell with ragged breaths. Rohan’s fingers gently cradled her chin, tilting her face up to meet his searing gaze.

His eyes bore into hers with an intensity that smoldered. “Perhaps you should choose your words carefully when addressing a high lord,” he murmured, his breath warm on her skin. His lips descended to the shell of her ear, grazing it with an erotic touch that sent a jolt of desire coursing through her.

Aerin, her breath growing shallow, felt the lines between anger and desire blur. She couldn’t deny the fierce attraction that pulsed between them, even as she clung to her defiance. “Are you afraid of me, Aerin?” he inquired, his voice a seductive whisper, as his lips traced a tantalizing path along her jawline, and she bit her lip to stifle a moan.

Her body quivered, and she replied, her voice a breathless invitation. “I’m not afraid of you, Rohan.” Desire threaded through her words as his mouth continued to explore her. Aerin’s skin tingled under his touch, her resolve weakening with every electrifying kiss.

Rohan chuckled softly, his laughter like a lover’s caress. “But didn’t you mention that I’m a monster?” he teased, his lips now grazing over the delicate swell of her breast through the fabric of her daring dress , and she couldn’t hold back a soft gasp. The gentle pressure of his fingers intensified the sensations running through her.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Rohan traced the pad of his thumb lightly over the thin fabric that covered her, precisely over her peaked and sensitive nipple. Aerin’s gasp of arousal couldn’t be contained, her body arching slightly into his touch.

The sensations surged through her like a tempest, igniting her desire. Rohan’s fingers worked their magic, grazing gently, and then more firmly, over her breast, paying special attention to the pebbled bud beneath the fabric. Every stroke sent electric shocks of desire coursing through her, causing her breath to catch in her throat.

She was helpless to resist the pleasure that Rohan’s touch sparked, and as her desire soared, she found herself pressing even closer to him. The world around them seemed to dissolve into a haze of longing, leaving only the two of them, lost in a tempest of raw, unbridled passion.

Rohan’s fingers, tantalizing and skilled, slipped beneath the fabric of her dress. He continued to trace the contours of her breast, now directly teasing her hardened nipple, eliciting a soft, involuntary gasp from Aerin. Heat pooled between her legs as an uncontrollable wave of desire washed over her, making it impossible for her to utter a word. Her body reacted to Rohan’s touch, betraying her innermost desires.

In a sultry whisper, he asked, “Does Galadel touch you like this, Aerin? Does he make you feel like I do?” His voice was low and seductive as his fingers continued to caress her, his words laced with a hint of possessiveness and desire.

Aerin found herself unable to respond, her breaths coming in short, heated gasps. Rohan’s lips met her neck, her chin, and the corner of her mouth, igniting a passionate storm of sensations within her. The tantalizing feeling sent shivers of pleasure coursing through her. Her futile attempts to escape his firm grip were met with nothing but his victorious half-smile, an acknowledgment of the tempestuous emotions he’d awoken within her. His eyes, intense and smoldering, settled on her plush, inviting lips, and when his mouth finally captured hers, it was with an almost aggressive and possessive fervor.

His lips crashed upon hers, his demand for surrender as forceful as his touch. The taste of his forbidden desire ignited a wildfire within her, a blaze that threatened to consume her in its intensity. At first, she resisted, her lips pressing tightly together in defiance, a desperate attempt to hold onto her anger. But Rohan’s relentless passion wore down her defenses, and as his tongue sought entrance, she couldn’t help but part her lips, inviting him in. Their tongues collided in a passionate clash, igniting a maelstrom of longing that neither could deny. With a soft moan that escaped her parted lips, she surrendered to the irresistible allure of Rohan’s kiss, a tumultuous blend of passion and conflict that left them both gasping for air.

As their lips parted, and they locked eyes, ragged gasps escaped their mouths, their chests heaving in unison. Aerin’s confusion gave way to a surge of anger, her eyes blazing with untamed fury. “You had no right,” she hissed, her voice trembling yet laced with steely determination. “Release me,” she demanded, her eyes flashing with fiery indignation.

Rohan furrowed his brow, gazing at her as if pretending innocence, even though his own breath was ragged. “Was it really that bad, Aerin?” he questioned, a teasing smirk tugging at his lips.

Her chest rising and falling with agitation, she repeated her disdain, her voice filled with tension. “I hate you.”

Rohan’s expression shifted, and he replied, his voice cool and collected. “Well, it wasn’t what it seemed.” With that, he reluctantly released her from his grip, but his eyes lingered on hers for a moment longer.

He slowly backed away, his eyes like steel blades piercing Aerin, a smirk curling his lips. The heat of his kiss still lingered on her lips, making her shiver. She glared at him, anger and frustration boiling in her chest. How could he kiss her like that, and how could she respond so easily?

“Get out,” she spat, her voice filled with rage.

Rohan grinned mockingly, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Dream of me tonight, Aerin,” he suggested, his voice sprinkled with amusement.

Aerin’s eyes blazed like fire, fierce and defiant. “Just leave, and never touch me again,” she spat, her voice trembling with fury.

He chuckled, a low, seductive sound that ignited a spark of fear and desire in her. “Oh, you’re even more desirable when you’re angry,” he murmured, his voice like silk.

In a fit of rage, Aerin snatched an old bone from the dusty skeleton and threw it at him like a spear with all her strength. It sliced through the dim light, but Rohan caught it quickly. He clenched his hand tightly, and the bone disintegrated into ashes, crumbling away like a dying ember. A phantom wind whisked the remnants away.

As the heavy door creaked open and Niamh entered, her discerning eyes darted between Aerin and Rohan, trying to piece together the scene before her. The tension in the air was palpable, and the unspoken exchanges hung heavily.

Niamh rolled her eyes with disdain.”Rohan, stop playing with my mother’s little ‘toy’,” she said, her voice thick with irritation. “She’s waiting for you.”

A frown creased Rohan’s brow as he acknowledged the queen’s demand, but he couldn’t resist one final, lingering gaze at Aerin before he turned to leave her cell. Aerin, however, remained a fiery tempest, her eyes blazing with fury as she fixed a glare of pure loathing on Niamh. “Assassin!” she spat, her voice laced with venom.

Niamh paused, her penetrating gaze freezing Aerin’s heart, her eyes burning a fiery red. She met Aerin’s hatred with a look of utter superiority. “You should be more concerned with your own fate, dear cousin.”

Aerin clenched her fists, her voice filled with resolve. “I will avenge my brother’s death, Niamh. I’ll kill you.”

Niamh chuckled mockingly, her amusement evident in her tone. “You can certainly try… though you won’t live long enough to make the attempt.” With that parting taunt, she exited the chamber, letting the heavy door slam shut behind her.

Alone in the dark, Aerin found herself enveloped by the sinister atmosphere of her cell.


🔊 RPG | D&D Ambience – Torture Chambers (dungeon, pain, screams)


Wrapped in solitude, Aerin wrapped her arms around herself, allowing the overwhelming feelings of desolation and despair to wash over her like a tide of darkness. In this wretched cell, in this forsaken dungeon, not even the bravest of rats dared to venture.

The screams of other prisoners had intensified, punctuated by the anguished cries that echoed through the stone walls, creating a maddening symphony of torment.The noise was deafening, and at times, it sounded as though someone was being tortured nearby.

Unable to bear the torment any longer, Aerin allowed the tears to flow freely. She sank down onto the filthy floor, pulling her knees up to her chest and hugging them tightly. Her trembling hands covered her ears in a futile attempt to block out the horrifying sounds that threatened to unravel her sanity. Fear took hold, and in the depths of despair, she couldn’t help but wonder if this was indeed the end of her story.


3 Comments on “Captive V [ Final ] – kinda NSFW”

  1. Very poetic NSFW 🙂 Love how you write emotions :3 They are definitely strong between them.
    And I can’t wait to know what will happen with Absynthia.

    1. Thank you. 🙂
      I don’t think it turned out excellent, but I think it turned out good. However, I had to fix a few things. Some word repetitions. It’s kind of difficult to remember some words that can be used and aren’t too repetitive. But I’ve improved it now in this regard. Nothing that changes the text, though.
      It’s amazing how no matter how much I read and reread, some mistakes always slip through. 😐

      Edit: We will see Abb next time. And it’s a more NSFW part. It seems like I took so long to write hot scenes that now they’re coming one after another. LMAO.

      1. I feel the same, I am in the mood to write this kind of stuff again as well 😀
        I think it is very good :> I really love how you write their turbulent relation.

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